I think some changes are going to be happening at work soon. I've mainly been photographing tires and then doing eBay listings for them and that's what usually my job entails. But my boss is also a web designer and I've helped him out with some pages. Web Design is my cup of tea, since I did a bit of that in college when I was going there for my degree in Software Development (which I don't think I'll be using since there's not a lot of job openings for that and I think I forgot how to do most of that stuff for not doing it so long). My boss came to me yesterday at the shop and we talked about doing some possible training for me on web design. This is good news for me since photographing tires is actually a dirty job and plus we haven't been getting much tires in to use for eBay, so that lowers my photographing and eBay intake to begin with. I think we'll be getting more tires in the future, but I think my boss has been overwhelmed with running the tire business and doing a bunch of web sites on the side. I'm not a bad photographer, but I was more meant to do web design.
There might be band activity this weekend with a possible practice/jamming session on Sunday. However my cousin is having a graduation party that day, so it creates a schedule conflict. I'm not really quite sure what to do yet about that. The band hasn't had a jamming session in quite a while (I think two months!) and it's my cousin that lives out of state for most part, but comes back during holiday seasons and for a few months of the summer. There will be other opportunities to see my cousin this summer, but I'll feel bad for missing out on her graduation party. Plus, if I go to the party, I'll feel bad for delaying a jam session again (I wanted to jam the last three weekends, but it seemed like the members of the band had something else going on that weekend). Not quite sure what to do yet.
There might be band activity this weekend with a possible practice/jamming session on Sunday. However my cousin is having a graduation party that day, so it creates a schedule conflict. I'm not really quite sure what to do yet about that. The band hasn't had a jamming session in quite a while (I think two months!) and it's my cousin that lives out of state for most part, but comes back during holiday seasons and for a few months of the summer. There will be other opportunities to see my cousin this summer, but I'll feel bad for missing out on her graduation party. Plus, if I go to the party, I'll feel bad for delaying a jam session again (I wanted to jam the last three weekends, but it seemed like the members of the band had something else going on that weekend). Not quite sure what to do yet.
Web design sounds like a gig that would be more fun
Also, woot for jam session