I'm just writing this to let people know I'm still active on here. I'm a little more social when it comes to Twitter since I've been very active in the podcasting community. I've been on a couple of podcasts but not have went on to doing my own. I'm not sure what I would do one on since a lot of the good ideas have...
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I noticed I haven't written anything here in a while. Sometimes it's just really hard for me to express myself through words. My grandmother came across a birthday card I had made for her when I was seven or eight-ish. It said "Grandma, you are kind. That is all." Of course, my grandmother has many more great qualities, but what that card says about me...
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I'm so happy that winter is finally coming to an end, and the warm weather will be arriving shortly. I'm looking forward to this summer since my daughter will be turning two, we won't be moving house again, and I'll be seeing Rush and Dave Matthews Band. Rush, I'm looking most forward to concert-wise, because it sounds like it's going to be their last major...
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I realize it's been twenty years since the world lost the great musical genius, Frank Zappa. The world could use a few more people like him. RIP
I figured I'd write something, since it's been a while. I now have an about to be 5 month old baby daughter named Sophia, and she is the light of my life. Nights have been boring and lonely sometimes since my wife now works 3rd shift and the job I have hasn't been too enjoyable lately, but other than that I can't complain.

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