Me in my damage control gear along with my handy dandy axe.
After a drill on my second ship. I believe with that one we had to g into the engine room.
Me and two of the other guys from Guam I used to work with on the teams..we caused some mischief.. Okay a lot.
The crew I worked with Christmas Day 2006. I'm the one in the Santa hat. They thought it would be funny to force the Jew to wear a Santa hat with a bell on it. Sadistic bastards.
One of the tenderboats on board. They licensed to coxswain (command) one those. Crazy fools.
Kona hawaii.
Golfing at Dunes in Maui, which is a PGA event course. Yes I did smuggle a case of beer in, btween two backpacks, and yes I did get drunk. and Yes we did play drunken golfcart polo.
The first ship I sailed on- The M/V Pride of America docked in Maui.
This is what happened when we would get drunk in Kauaii during our overnighter- Time for Okies- which sadly is no more.
Drunk in Maui? Denny's. I was extremely drunk in that pic, and needed two red bull and a Heineken to shut my liver up.
One side of the hall where I spent most of my days aboard working.
Drunken cooks having a chopping contest.
Drunk in Kaui, at the Tavern which was Hotel Kibuyama which was used as the outside for the John wayne film Donavan's reef.
One of my good friends from South Boston, and one of the Eight containers of just pineapple that would go to the buffet line for breakfast.

Drunk and being a jackass with my boss at the time.
This shot was of our meat hold(frozen beef, pork, veal and lamb) taken three days in 80% of this would be gone by the time the week ended.
Drunk again and smoking like a chimney. I have reduced my intake in the several years after this photo was taken.
SOCO 101-fun times in a bottle.
Bonzai-North Shore Oahu
Drunk, in a denny's insulting a friend of a girl that my homeboy wanted to make sexy time with. Needless to say he failed in that endeavor.
Drunk, sitting down while the ship was rocking
Kahului Harbor in Maui. I woke up to that twice a week.
The other ship, the M/v Pride of Aloha.
Pearl Harbor Hawaii, and a nuclear anti ship missile, because when that fucker needs to be brought down to the briny deep.
I got told red suspenders were sexy. Nah, just rolling up shit after a fire drill.