The brave may die, but the weak never live at all.
Phil Fader was the kind of guy who lived his life with a no bullshit attitude and took no shit either. Too few of us have the balls to say whats, what and tell people what we think of them. Phil did. Shithouse Billy.
Phil Faders absence is a significant one indeed. Phil had a profound effect on not only those who knew him but also by those who knew his work, (whatever medium that work was in). On Tuesday November 30th Phil Fader passed away. During the week a small service was held and on Sunday December 5th over a hundred family, friends and fellow skaters gathered at the new Evolushun skate park to pay homage to their departed brother. At Evolushun a short biography of Phils life was screened and Phils son Liam received a skate deck screened FADER R.I.P and signed (at Liams request) by those in attendance. For over three hours in the park brothers skated hard and said goodbye the way they knew Phil would have wanted. The loss of Phil Fader marks a highly sad day in the Canadian hardcore scene. Phil will be remembered for his numerous accomplishments as an activist, father, skateboarder, writer, photographer, musician and human being. These quotes are from those who knew Phil. The words are meant to help you understand more about who Phil Fader was and what his life was about.
Life is short, live.
-Miss Mayo
Hamilton has lost one of its original Beasley locals. Phil Fader passed away in his sleep. A personal friend of mine for almost 2 decades, Phil was always down for a session, and always a true friend, he is the man who first introduced me to Beasley Park, and has influenced a lot of who and what I am today. It pains me to say goodbye.
Rest in peace brother.
You know, in grade 7, the first time I took the bus in to Hamilton, skipped school to go skate Beaz, Fader was there skating the bowl and killing it, he was so young, but I always remember he was the guy with the Black Flag tattoos on his wrists.
Anyways, over the years I got to know Phil quite well and he was a great person, stood up for everything he believed to the fullest, and never backed down from anything.
I feel the worst for his son Liam who now is going to be without his father for the rest of his life. Its sad man, too young, way too young, and sometimes I think, you know, I know Phil couldn't give a shit about himself half the time, but he always put his son at the top of his list, followed by his friends,
Too bad. Rest in Peace Phil, O.G. Beaz.....
I think this world takes away the wrong ones. I have known Phil since '89 and he was then and always in my eyes will remain, one of the most truly sincere people I've ever known. He never had a bad thing to say about anyone. If he had a problem with you, he didn't try to hide it
I wasn't his best friend, but I was his friend. Now that's over and it sucks. Maybe we can all take some of Phils sincerity with us and honor his life because that's what he was.
-Shithouse Billy
I have a lot of the same memories of Phil and many different ones that are private and personal. I can honestly say that no one ever has or ever will affect my life the way he did. I fought hard for him and for Liam and no one is going to miss him more. On Liam's behalf I want to say thank-you. Please keep his memory alive. He will always live on in his son.
-Love always,
Melissa and Liam
I only knew Phil since the end of the summer, meeting him on (the film) set like I met almost everyone else. He was loud, funny and rough around the edges and his charisma came through in his swagger. If he liked something, he said "Fuck Yeah" and if he didn't he said "Fuck This", either way, he said what he felt and that's something in this day and age.
The fondest memory I have of Phil is him all tanked at the Halloween bash, throwing a beer bottle at Jesus!
I'd say that pretty much says it all...
Condolences to friends and family...I know how it feels
Would have liked to have known you better Phil.
RIP Phil - you were a true friend.
He was there for me numerous times and I'll never forget the fact that he was always looking out for his friends.
The first time I met Phil at Beaz I was still straight edge but we hit it off immediately. I'm pretty sure he was a good part of the reason I'm not straight edge anymore
We ended being room mates more than once and shared some fucked up nights and experiences together.
Just thought id throw in a few photos Phil wouldve liked, everyone knows how much he loved punk/hardcore and how proud he was of being a part (bassist) of Left For Dead, so heres another... the other is a group shot of the main cast of Vs. The Dead, the zombie movie he STARS in (we'll all be able to watch this and laugh when its done =])
Phil Fader
1975 2004
On Saturday the 21st Phil Fader will be remembered by many that both loved and respected him. The show is both a chance to show your respect and support for Phil. All proceeds from this show will go to Phils son Liam. Family and friends have also launched a trust fund for Liam and donations have been made by the family to Brennan House. Donations can be made at Sinkin-Ink Tattoo or DMBC Skate and Snow both located in Hess Village.
Liam Fader Trust Fund Benefit Show # 1
FadeR.I.P Benefit Vol. 1
Saturday January 21st 2005 at the Underground
41 Catherine St. North (Catherine and King William)
Terminal State- Fast hardcore from Toronto
Die Hard Losers- First time playing the Underground this week!
Weeded Out- (ex-black eyes club, whatever that means)
Plus more T.B.A.
Doors open 9 Show starts 10
Tickets available at the door
For more information see Upcoming Shows at
Follow up shows will continue on February 18 and April 22.
Also see "PICS" for related photos.
Phil Fader was the kind of guy who lived his life with a no bullshit attitude and took no shit either. Too few of us have the balls to say whats, what and tell people what we think of them. Phil did. Shithouse Billy.
Phil Faders absence is a significant one indeed. Phil had a profound effect on not only those who knew him but also by those who knew his work, (whatever medium that work was in). On Tuesday November 30th Phil Fader passed away. During the week a small service was held and on Sunday December 5th over a hundred family, friends and fellow skaters gathered at the new Evolushun skate park to pay homage to their departed brother. At Evolushun a short biography of Phils life was screened and Phils son Liam received a skate deck screened FADER R.I.P and signed (at Liams request) by those in attendance. For over three hours in the park brothers skated hard and said goodbye the way they knew Phil would have wanted. The loss of Phil Fader marks a highly sad day in the Canadian hardcore scene. Phil will be remembered for his numerous accomplishments as an activist, father, skateboarder, writer, photographer, musician and human being. These quotes are from those who knew Phil. The words are meant to help you understand more about who Phil Fader was and what his life was about.
Life is short, live.
-Miss Mayo
Hamilton has lost one of its original Beasley locals. Phil Fader passed away in his sleep. A personal friend of mine for almost 2 decades, Phil was always down for a session, and always a true friend, he is the man who first introduced me to Beasley Park, and has influenced a lot of who and what I am today. It pains me to say goodbye.
Rest in peace brother.
You know, in grade 7, the first time I took the bus in to Hamilton, skipped school to go skate Beaz, Fader was there skating the bowl and killing it, he was so young, but I always remember he was the guy with the Black Flag tattoos on his wrists.
Anyways, over the years I got to know Phil quite well and he was a great person, stood up for everything he believed to the fullest, and never backed down from anything.
I feel the worst for his son Liam who now is going to be without his father for the rest of his life. Its sad man, too young, way too young, and sometimes I think, you know, I know Phil couldn't give a shit about himself half the time, but he always put his son at the top of his list, followed by his friends,
Too bad. Rest in Peace Phil, O.G. Beaz.....
I think this world takes away the wrong ones. I have known Phil since '89 and he was then and always in my eyes will remain, one of the most truly sincere people I've ever known. He never had a bad thing to say about anyone. If he had a problem with you, he didn't try to hide it
I wasn't his best friend, but I was his friend. Now that's over and it sucks. Maybe we can all take some of Phils sincerity with us and honor his life because that's what he was.
-Shithouse Billy
I have a lot of the same memories of Phil and many different ones that are private and personal. I can honestly say that no one ever has or ever will affect my life the way he did. I fought hard for him and for Liam and no one is going to miss him more. On Liam's behalf I want to say thank-you. Please keep his memory alive. He will always live on in his son.
-Love always,
Melissa and Liam
I only knew Phil since the end of the summer, meeting him on (the film) set like I met almost everyone else. He was loud, funny and rough around the edges and his charisma came through in his swagger. If he liked something, he said "Fuck Yeah" and if he didn't he said "Fuck This", either way, he said what he felt and that's something in this day and age.
The fondest memory I have of Phil is him all tanked at the Halloween bash, throwing a beer bottle at Jesus!
I'd say that pretty much says it all...
Condolences to friends and family...I know how it feels
Would have liked to have known you better Phil.
RIP Phil - you were a true friend.
He was there for me numerous times and I'll never forget the fact that he was always looking out for his friends.
The first time I met Phil at Beaz I was still straight edge but we hit it off immediately. I'm pretty sure he was a good part of the reason I'm not straight edge anymore

Just thought id throw in a few photos Phil wouldve liked, everyone knows how much he loved punk/hardcore and how proud he was of being a part (bassist) of Left For Dead, so heres another... the other is a group shot of the main cast of Vs. The Dead, the zombie movie he STARS in (we'll all be able to watch this and laugh when its done =])
Phil Fader
1975 2004
On Saturday the 21st Phil Fader will be remembered by many that both loved and respected him. The show is both a chance to show your respect and support for Phil. All proceeds from this show will go to Phils son Liam. Family and friends have also launched a trust fund for Liam and donations have been made by the family to Brennan House. Donations can be made at Sinkin-Ink Tattoo or DMBC Skate and Snow both located in Hess Village.
Liam Fader Trust Fund Benefit Show # 1
FadeR.I.P Benefit Vol. 1
Saturday January 21st 2005 at the Underground
41 Catherine St. North (Catherine and King William)
Terminal State- Fast hardcore from Toronto
Die Hard Losers- First time playing the Underground this week!
Weeded Out- (ex-black eyes club, whatever that means)
Plus more T.B.A.
Doors open 9 Show starts 10
Tickets available at the door
For more information see Upcoming Shows at
Follow up shows will continue on February 18 and April 22.
Also see "PICS" for related photos.