some of What I go to school to learn to do for a living
Cause the Effect
Implemented on: October 7th 2004
Implemented by: Melissa N. Bahadur
1. For us to help the children understand the concept of cause and affect.
2. For us to help the children understand how actions affect them and other people.
3. To have fun.
Classroom. Open space to sit in a circle. Book How are you Peeling? by Saxton Freymann and Joost Elffers or similar concept book. Chalkboard (& chalk) or Large piece of Paper (& markers). Blank paper for each child to draw on. Writing implements (crayons, markers, etc.). 2 CYWs.
Stimulus-Have the children sit in a circle. Tell the children today we are going to look at cause and affect. Ask the children if they know what cause and affect means. Explain to how actions (cause) can affect other people. Discuss actions (cause) and affect more and write examples on the board. i.e.- action (cause) affect
a bug bites me I get a bump on my arm
I fall off my bike I get a scrape on my knee
I push someone They fall down
If using 2nd Step program show card (w/Regina and Todd) if not, show picture of a little boy and little girl both holding on to the same bike both making angry faces. Ask the children if they can guess whats going on in the picture. Explain Regina was given a bike a two-wheeled bike for her birthday, but she doesnt know how to ride it. Reginas friend Todd does know how to ride it, and tries to show her without asking first. He tries to show her without asking first. He tries to get on and Regina grabs the handle bars and wont let him. Ask the children the following questions:
1. What are the actions in this picture? (Todd getting on. Regina grabbing handlebars)
2. How do you think Regina feels? Why?
3. How do you think Todd feels? Why?
4. Why do you think Todd wanted to get on the bike?
5. What could Todd do to show Regina he wanted to help her?
6. What if Todd had asked Regina whether she needed help?
7. Would asking have had a different affect? How would Regina feel then?
8. How would Regina feel if Todd had asked her if she needed help before getting on the bike? (Regina might have felt happy)
9. How might Todd feel if he helped Regina learn how to ride her bike?
10. Why would Todd want to help Regina learn how to ride her bike?
11. Have you ever taught someone else how to do something? How did it make you feel? How did it make them feel?
Theory- Read the story How Are You Peeling? or similar concept book. While reading the story ask the children How does this character feel? What could have caused this? What affects/What feeling is caused?
Discuss Cause and Affect a little more using more examples. i.e.- if I take something from you how will you feel? If I help you do something how will you feel? If someone hurts you how will you feel? If you leave your toys out what happens? If someone does borrows something without asking how will you feel?
Exercises- Ask the children if theyd like to play a game. Explain to the children you will give them 3 examples and ask them to act out either a good affect or a bad affect. Show them first example and act it out for them I am a seed (wrap arms around torso). I dont get any light or water (droop arms, tilt head to one side). I get lots of light and water (raise arms above head, smile). Repeat, and have the children act it with you. Show second and third examples with actions for each I am a house. I get repaired when I crumble. I dont ever get repaired. I am a pet. I get food and love. I get no food and no love.
Ask the children to return to their desks. Give each of them a piece of blank paper. Ask them to take out writing implements (or hand them out). Explain to the children Id like you to write down two sentences and fill in the blanks with a description of the action that happened and the feeling it caused. Write the two sentences on the board:
1. Once when I ___________________ (action) I made someone feel ________ (feeling).
2. Once when someone _____________________ (action) it made me feel ________ (feeling).
Activity Analysis:
Prescriptiveness- A few simple rules. Listen to instructions. Participate in discussion. Listen to the story. Raise your hand to answer a question.
Controls Required- Children need to stay seated and listen during discussion. Children need to demonstrate good listening skills.
Physical Movement- Moderate level of movement. Children must use basic motor skills, ears and eyes.
Competency Requirements- Minimal level required. Basic listening and vocal skills required.
Amount of Competition- There is no competition.
Amount of Interaction Provided by the Activity- Moderate level of interaction between the children and the CYWs. Minimal level of interaction between the children and each other.
Rewards Within the Activity- Children are acknowledged and praised for following the rules. Children receive satisfaction from understanding Cause and Affect. Children get to demonstrate Cause and Affect.
Degree of Structure Required- Moderate. Children must participate and follow rules. Children must respect each other during the activity.
Overall Advantages- Children get to acknowledge their own feelings about cause and affect. Children get to share their experiences with the rest of the class. Children get the chance to move around and exercise.
Overall Disadvantages- Children with poor listening skills may have a hard time during discussion. Shy children may not want to share feelings about Cause and Affect. Children may have difficulty understanding the concept of Cause and Affect.
Action Plan:
Today we looked at how our actions what? (Cause) feelings and have a what? (Affect) on other people. Do you think we feel Angry or Hurt when someone does something and we dont understand why? Do you think we also feel Happy and Thankful when others help us? Do you think what you do or say has an Affect on other people? Do you think what other people do and say has an Affect on how you feel? You have the power to choose how you act and feel. Try to remember Cause and Affect by saying I cry beCAUSE it AFFECTS you and I! Ask children to go home and ask them to tell you about something you do and how it makes them feel.
Suitability/Age Group and Modifications:
This activity is suitable for children aged 6-19. With simple modifications to the concepts of Cause and Affect, you can adapt this activity to older children. Younger children require longer time with this concept, possibly through repetition.
Evaluation and Feedback:
some of What I do as a "paid" journalist
Apparently I can review whatever I goshdarn please! I can't swear but, if I use *'s where the vowels would be in swear words it be f*ck*ng censored! You get to keep all the cd's you pick out to review as well, even if you never review them! I got Team America World Police stuff and I haven't even seen the movie! A red wrist band, a button, and some condoms which look like a matchbook (they've already saved my day!). I also write serious articles, seriously eh.
Sevens Travels
Epitaph and Rhymesayers Entertainment
By: M****** Mayo
Staff Writer
I was an only child, I didnt have to share. I wasnt going to review Atmosphere because I didnt want to share them. Fortunately I realized how selfish it is to keep all yall from benefiting from Slugs rhyme-style, poetry and philosophy. Sevens Travels is a b*d*ss album from the man from Minnesota. Atmosphere consists of Slug on rhymes, Ant on beats and resident DJ Mr. Dibbs. Thanks to years of touring and Slugs personal lyrical style Atmosphere have become a legend in the underground hip hop scene and beyond. According to
Sevens (Slugs) Travels is a sample hunters delight. Samples are featured, parodied and paraphrased over solid beats and funky rhythms. Atmosphere albums are a philosophical scavenger hunt for your ears, and all you have to do is listen. The more Atmosphere youve heard the more fun the scavenger hunt is. There are not enough words in my vocabulary to help me tell you how good Atmosphere is. The rhymes are so clever and creative you dont stop and listen, the music physically grabs your arms holds you close and yells about whispering in your ear. Atmosphere speaks loud and clear, theres no mistaking his stance on subjects (politics, emotions, life) if you do, hell correct you. If hip hop and being an MC or lyricist making modern-day poetry of beneficial proportions is like achieving a masters degree, Atmosphere have a Ph.D. The track Trying to Find a Balance rocks the line In the days of kings and queens I was a jester treat me like a god or they treat me like a leper You should pay close attention to what At says he knows where its at because hes been there and back.
Bird Sings Why the Caged I Know is a track you can meet more than once. If find the live version youll hear this intro: Im sick of the f*ck*ng confusion, this next song is about confusion this next song is about wantin somethin so bad that youll do anything to get that sh*t. In fact you want it so bad youll let it go. Just like the old thing says; if you love somethin enough let it, let it go, if it comes back whatever. Well this song is about how once you let it go and you watch it and it spreads its wings and flys away so beautifully, all you really want to do is pull out a gun and shoot that b*tch down. The album version is sans intro. Reflections is about being too smart to be a groupie, and how we tend to see ourselves in others (and usually like it). My Grandmother has a saying, Show me your company and Ill tell you who you are. She would definitely approve of Atmosphere after hearing track five, Gotta Lotta Walls. Track Six The Keys to Life Vs. 15 Minutes of Fame picks you up in a bus station, rocks you in the backseat and leaves you wondering If you want to sit with me and talk about existence, well need more than 15 min. Ill tell you what, lets forget about the fame, push pause on the game get to know each other by our real names. The sample before the song Apple is Hi my Name is Sean Daly and you might know me from such films as I cant sing but neither can you. Being extremely good at something is the easy part, dealing with the people is the hard part. Think you have girl problems? Suicidegirls starts with about a dozen girls telling Slug off in answering machine style over tight beats. The track Los Angeles is a good way to prep. for a visit to the city Los Angeles. Cats Van Bags has a strange name, strange tempo, and feels a lot like a Tricky song on Prozac. The track National Disgrace starts with .peace to Rick James, Anna Nicole Smith, Bill Clinton and Motley Crue, and anyone else who has ever utilized their fifteen minutes of fame to realize their true dreams of being an absolute jerk-off just to keep the masses entertained. This goes out to learning from the mistakes of others.. and ends with a whole lot of bounce and whistle. I dont always agree with what Slug says but I always agree he has something to teach. In the end track Always Coming Back Home To You, Slug takes you for a walk and points the old sights out in a new way. After everything is said and done you may not like Slug, but you dont have to, because youll respect him whether you want to or not. The secret song is about the secret of secret locations and knowing when to keep a good thing to yourself. Ssssssh! Dont tell em where you live! Expand your horizons at
some of What it takes to stop me from moving
A really good flu virus. This weekend I am sick at home in bed.
It sucks to be sick.
Shorness of breath is scary. Waking up in the middle of the night every 2 hours or so because you stopped breathing is scary, you think "what if I forget how to breathe in my sleep?"
Dealing with unfair school policy and standing up for someone who won't stand up for themselves against faculty without being penalized in your own school career by those same faculty is a tricky matter indeed.
Pretending someone made you soup from scratch (when you know they didn't) is just as good, especially when said person came to see you on a rainy day.
Sharing is nice, not as nice as not having to share, but a valuable skill no less.
Keep the love, Travel Safe, Stay Warm, and Think of Nice Things,
Cause the Effect
Implemented on: October 7th 2004
Implemented by: Melissa N. Bahadur
1. For us to help the children understand the concept of cause and affect.
2. For us to help the children understand how actions affect them and other people.
3. To have fun.
Classroom. Open space to sit in a circle. Book How are you Peeling? by Saxton Freymann and Joost Elffers or similar concept book. Chalkboard (& chalk) or Large piece of Paper (& markers). Blank paper for each child to draw on. Writing implements (crayons, markers, etc.). 2 CYWs.
Stimulus-Have the children sit in a circle. Tell the children today we are going to look at cause and affect. Ask the children if they know what cause and affect means. Explain to how actions (cause) can affect other people. Discuss actions (cause) and affect more and write examples on the board. i.e.- action (cause) affect
a bug bites me I get a bump on my arm
I fall off my bike I get a scrape on my knee
I push someone They fall down
If using 2nd Step program show card (w/Regina and Todd) if not, show picture of a little boy and little girl both holding on to the same bike both making angry faces. Ask the children if they can guess whats going on in the picture. Explain Regina was given a bike a two-wheeled bike for her birthday, but she doesnt know how to ride it. Reginas friend Todd does know how to ride it, and tries to show her without asking first. He tries to show her without asking first. He tries to get on and Regina grabs the handle bars and wont let him. Ask the children the following questions:
1. What are the actions in this picture? (Todd getting on. Regina grabbing handlebars)
2. How do you think Regina feels? Why?
3. How do you think Todd feels? Why?
4. Why do you think Todd wanted to get on the bike?
5. What could Todd do to show Regina he wanted to help her?
6. What if Todd had asked Regina whether she needed help?
7. Would asking have had a different affect? How would Regina feel then?
8. How would Regina feel if Todd had asked her if she needed help before getting on the bike? (Regina might have felt happy)
9. How might Todd feel if he helped Regina learn how to ride her bike?
10. Why would Todd want to help Regina learn how to ride her bike?
11. Have you ever taught someone else how to do something? How did it make you feel? How did it make them feel?
Theory- Read the story How Are You Peeling? or similar concept book. While reading the story ask the children How does this character feel? What could have caused this? What affects/What feeling is caused?
Discuss Cause and Affect a little more using more examples. i.e.- if I take something from you how will you feel? If I help you do something how will you feel? If someone hurts you how will you feel? If you leave your toys out what happens? If someone does borrows something without asking how will you feel?
Exercises- Ask the children if theyd like to play a game. Explain to the children you will give them 3 examples and ask them to act out either a good affect or a bad affect. Show them first example and act it out for them I am a seed (wrap arms around torso). I dont get any light or water (droop arms, tilt head to one side). I get lots of light and water (raise arms above head, smile). Repeat, and have the children act it with you. Show second and third examples with actions for each I am a house. I get repaired when I crumble. I dont ever get repaired. I am a pet. I get food and love. I get no food and no love.
Ask the children to return to their desks. Give each of them a piece of blank paper. Ask them to take out writing implements (or hand them out). Explain to the children Id like you to write down two sentences and fill in the blanks with a description of the action that happened and the feeling it caused. Write the two sentences on the board:
1. Once when I ___________________ (action) I made someone feel ________ (feeling).
2. Once when someone _____________________ (action) it made me feel ________ (feeling).
Activity Analysis:
Prescriptiveness- A few simple rules. Listen to instructions. Participate in discussion. Listen to the story. Raise your hand to answer a question.
Controls Required- Children need to stay seated and listen during discussion. Children need to demonstrate good listening skills.
Physical Movement- Moderate level of movement. Children must use basic motor skills, ears and eyes.
Competency Requirements- Minimal level required. Basic listening and vocal skills required.
Amount of Competition- There is no competition.
Amount of Interaction Provided by the Activity- Moderate level of interaction between the children and the CYWs. Minimal level of interaction between the children and each other.
Rewards Within the Activity- Children are acknowledged and praised for following the rules. Children receive satisfaction from understanding Cause and Affect. Children get to demonstrate Cause and Affect.
Degree of Structure Required- Moderate. Children must participate and follow rules. Children must respect each other during the activity.
Overall Advantages- Children get to acknowledge their own feelings about cause and affect. Children get to share their experiences with the rest of the class. Children get the chance to move around and exercise.
Overall Disadvantages- Children with poor listening skills may have a hard time during discussion. Shy children may not want to share feelings about Cause and Affect. Children may have difficulty understanding the concept of Cause and Affect.
Action Plan:
Today we looked at how our actions what? (Cause) feelings and have a what? (Affect) on other people. Do you think we feel Angry or Hurt when someone does something and we dont understand why? Do you think we also feel Happy and Thankful when others help us? Do you think what you do or say has an Affect on other people? Do you think what other people do and say has an Affect on how you feel? You have the power to choose how you act and feel. Try to remember Cause and Affect by saying I cry beCAUSE it AFFECTS you and I! Ask children to go home and ask them to tell you about something you do and how it makes them feel.
Suitability/Age Group and Modifications:
This activity is suitable for children aged 6-19. With simple modifications to the concepts of Cause and Affect, you can adapt this activity to older children. Younger children require longer time with this concept, possibly through repetition.
Evaluation and Feedback:
some of What I do as a "paid" journalist
Apparently I can review whatever I goshdarn please! I can't swear but, if I use *'s where the vowels would be in swear words it be f*ck*ng censored! You get to keep all the cd's you pick out to review as well, even if you never review them! I got Team America World Police stuff and I haven't even seen the movie! A red wrist band, a button, and some condoms which look like a matchbook (they've already saved my day!). I also write serious articles, seriously eh.
Sevens Travels
Epitaph and Rhymesayers Entertainment
By: M****** Mayo
Staff Writer
I was an only child, I didnt have to share. I wasnt going to review Atmosphere because I didnt want to share them. Fortunately I realized how selfish it is to keep all yall from benefiting from Slugs rhyme-style, poetry and philosophy. Sevens Travels is a b*d*ss album from the man from Minnesota. Atmosphere consists of Slug on rhymes, Ant on beats and resident DJ Mr. Dibbs. Thanks to years of touring and Slugs personal lyrical style Atmosphere have become a legend in the underground hip hop scene and beyond. According to
Sevens (Slugs) Travels is a sample hunters delight. Samples are featured, parodied and paraphrased over solid beats and funky rhythms. Atmosphere albums are a philosophical scavenger hunt for your ears, and all you have to do is listen. The more Atmosphere youve heard the more fun the scavenger hunt is. There are not enough words in my vocabulary to help me tell you how good Atmosphere is. The rhymes are so clever and creative you dont stop and listen, the music physically grabs your arms holds you close and yells about whispering in your ear. Atmosphere speaks loud and clear, theres no mistaking his stance on subjects (politics, emotions, life) if you do, hell correct you. If hip hop and being an MC or lyricist making modern-day poetry of beneficial proportions is like achieving a masters degree, Atmosphere have a Ph.D. The track Trying to Find a Balance rocks the line In the days of kings and queens I was a jester treat me like a god or they treat me like a leper You should pay close attention to what At says he knows where its at because hes been there and back.
Bird Sings Why the Caged I Know is a track you can meet more than once. If find the live version youll hear this intro: Im sick of the f*ck*ng confusion, this next song is about confusion this next song is about wantin somethin so bad that youll do anything to get that sh*t. In fact you want it so bad youll let it go. Just like the old thing says; if you love somethin enough let it, let it go, if it comes back whatever. Well this song is about how once you let it go and you watch it and it spreads its wings and flys away so beautifully, all you really want to do is pull out a gun and shoot that b*tch down. The album version is sans intro. Reflections is about being too smart to be a groupie, and how we tend to see ourselves in others (and usually like it). My Grandmother has a saying, Show me your company and Ill tell you who you are. She would definitely approve of Atmosphere after hearing track five, Gotta Lotta Walls. Track Six The Keys to Life Vs. 15 Minutes of Fame picks you up in a bus station, rocks you in the backseat and leaves you wondering If you want to sit with me and talk about existence, well need more than 15 min. Ill tell you what, lets forget about the fame, push pause on the game get to know each other by our real names. The sample before the song Apple is Hi my Name is Sean Daly and you might know me from such films as I cant sing but neither can you. Being extremely good at something is the easy part, dealing with the people is the hard part. Think you have girl problems? Suicidegirls starts with about a dozen girls telling Slug off in answering machine style over tight beats. The track Los Angeles is a good way to prep. for a visit to the city Los Angeles. Cats Van Bags has a strange name, strange tempo, and feels a lot like a Tricky song on Prozac. The track National Disgrace starts with .peace to Rick James, Anna Nicole Smith, Bill Clinton and Motley Crue, and anyone else who has ever utilized their fifteen minutes of fame to realize their true dreams of being an absolute jerk-off just to keep the masses entertained. This goes out to learning from the mistakes of others.. and ends with a whole lot of bounce and whistle. I dont always agree with what Slug says but I always agree he has something to teach. In the end track Always Coming Back Home To You, Slug takes you for a walk and points the old sights out in a new way. After everything is said and done you may not like Slug, but you dont have to, because youll respect him whether you want to or not. The secret song is about the secret of secret locations and knowing when to keep a good thing to yourself. Ssssssh! Dont tell em where you live! Expand your horizons at
some of What it takes to stop me from moving
A really good flu virus. This weekend I am sick at home in bed.
It sucks to be sick.
Shorness of breath is scary. Waking up in the middle of the night every 2 hours or so because you stopped breathing is scary, you think "what if I forget how to breathe in my sleep?"
Dealing with unfair school policy and standing up for someone who won't stand up for themselves against faculty without being penalized in your own school career by those same faculty is a tricky matter indeed.
Pretending someone made you soup from scratch (when you know they didn't) is just as good, especially when said person came to see you on a rainy day.
Sharing is nice, not as nice as not having to share, but a valuable skill no less.
Keep the love, Travel Safe, Stay Warm, and Think of Nice Things,

tell me a joke.