Results for The Great Sir Vey
What does it all really mean?
If your score was between 1 and 37
More than likely you:
Don't belong to any political party, but treat Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Greens with respect.
The hot-button issues of your personal life are not pushed often enough.
Use "love for all" as a surefire way to hide the alterior motives of a plan for world domination and retirement on an ice cream farm.
If your score was between 38 and 59
More than likely you:
Have a name given to you by parents and a name given to you by you.
Enjoy the Sea, and eat a lot of vitamin C, but don't see the sense of seal skin interior.
Are ripe for expansion without blowing up.
If your score was between 60 and 73
More than likely you:
Would sport a shirt that says: "Sublimely tacky, yet refreshingly unrefined."
Would like to think of yourself as a "beautifully messy mass of contradictions" when in fact you are a lazy bones who smokes too much reefer or drinks too much coffee.
Would benefit most from inviting "all of your different sub-personalities to a big come-as-you-are party in your head."
If your score was between 74 and 86.5
More than likely you:
Wet the bed as a child but overcame it with great determination and maturity.
Envision "HELL" as "a spotlessly clean gated community where everyone wears white gowns and nothing ever changes."
Have radical views on what the perception of perfection is, and incorporate mystery into the flux that is your home.
Are creole, mulatto, brown, red, yellow, pink, beige, or white.
If your score was between 87 and 99
More than likely you:
"Work behind the scenes to gently coax people into serving your secret agendas."
Have a good head on your shoulders and enjoy the company of a good book, or the company of a good woman or a book about women who give good head, or use head and shoulders in good company.
Seek out "consciousness-altering adventures."
Drink straight out of the juice jug when no one else is looking.
If your score was between 100 and 150
More than likely you:
Eat babies or Eat bacon.
Enjoyed the movie "Cannibal Holocaust".
Haven't seen the movie "Cannibal Holocaust" but would like to see it, and would probably enjoy it, based on the name.
Go "commando" every chance you get.
If your score was 150 or higher
More than likely you:
Think Donkey Punch IS LOVE
If you answered More True than False
More than likely you:
Are a Reformed or Sensitive Redneck
i.e.-One day you realized you just couldn't "kill shit" anymore.
If you answered More False than True
More than likely you:
Eat in front of the television.
According to Dr. John Lambert, Professor of Sociology "eating in front of the television is one of the key contributing factors to the downfall of society."
Your Participation is a Demonstration of Your Elation for Creation.
Nice Things,
What does it all really mean?
If your score was between 1 and 37
More than likely you:
Don't belong to any political party, but treat Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Greens with respect.
The hot-button issues of your personal life are not pushed often enough.
Use "love for all" as a surefire way to hide the alterior motives of a plan for world domination and retirement on an ice cream farm.
If your score was between 38 and 59
More than likely you:
Have a name given to you by parents and a name given to you by you.
Enjoy the Sea, and eat a lot of vitamin C, but don't see the sense of seal skin interior.
Are ripe for expansion without blowing up.
If your score was between 60 and 73
More than likely you:
Would sport a shirt that says: "Sublimely tacky, yet refreshingly unrefined."
Would like to think of yourself as a "beautifully messy mass of contradictions" when in fact you are a lazy bones who smokes too much reefer or drinks too much coffee.
Would benefit most from inviting "all of your different sub-personalities to a big come-as-you-are party in your head."
If your score was between 74 and 86.5
More than likely you:
Wet the bed as a child but overcame it with great determination and maturity.
Envision "HELL" as "a spotlessly clean gated community where everyone wears white gowns and nothing ever changes."
Have radical views on what the perception of perfection is, and incorporate mystery into the flux that is your home.
Are creole, mulatto, brown, red, yellow, pink, beige, or white.
If your score was between 87 and 99
More than likely you:
"Work behind the scenes to gently coax people into serving your secret agendas."
Have a good head on your shoulders and enjoy the company of a good book, or the company of a good woman or a book about women who give good head, or use head and shoulders in good company.
Seek out "consciousness-altering adventures."
Drink straight out of the juice jug when no one else is looking.
If your score was between 100 and 150
More than likely you:
Eat babies or Eat bacon.
Enjoyed the movie "Cannibal Holocaust".
Haven't seen the movie "Cannibal Holocaust" but would like to see it, and would probably enjoy it, based on the name.
Go "commando" every chance you get.
If your score was 150 or higher
More than likely you:
Think Donkey Punch IS LOVE
If you answered More True than False
More than likely you:
Are a Reformed or Sensitive Redneck
i.e.-One day you realized you just couldn't "kill shit" anymore.
If you answered More False than True
More than likely you:
Eat in front of the television.
According to Dr. John Lambert, Professor of Sociology "eating in front of the television is one of the key contributing factors to the downfall of society."
Your Participation is a Demonstration of Your Elation for Creation.
Nice Things,
cool that is...have a good one, later.