Free Will Astrology
byRob Brezsny
Aries (Mar. 21st to Apr. 19th)
"Get used to the fact that you're going to feel good about your life and bad about your life maybe eight times a day every day" advises healer Carolyn Myss, "and clear about your life and confused about your life 25 times a day. Your journey is to get to the point where you realize: 'Hey, this is just passing through me.'" While I personally think there's more to your journey than that, it's an excellent discipline that will serve you exceedingly well. And the coming weeks happen to be the perfect time, Aries, to improve your mastery of thissubtle yet heroic art.
Impending Doom? or Redundant Game?
This is my horror-scope from last week. I take these things with a sprinkle of salt, but occasionally some of them are quite prolific in their prediction and exploitation of good sound advice. This one was incredibly comforting.
Cue "Feel the Love".
Fate is a many splendoured insult in a complimet.
August the 22nd is a rather unwanted anniversary in the lives of those who love a man who no longer turns this soil.
My superhero
I am not but a creation,
attempting to imitate with humble aggression,
the man who raised me
from the age of 3.
What the hell is Immortality?
Death cannot kill something (and in turn, someone) which lives in the hearts and minds of others.
The search continues...
I bless my ears
with lyrical cheers.
With the arrest of age,
I thank the universe for Sage.
Tea time with Death
Watching things die is educational and painful. While having tea and scones (only good when they're fresh) we discuss the good points of living a long time, I suggest the best thing acquired in living a long time is the the ability to write well. Death agrees passing on knowledge in an efficient manner is a gift given by time. He then drops a piece of sorta fresh scone onto the floor for the Death of Rats.
"I'll tell you what I want, What I really, really want..."
"Do you believe in fate Mal?"
Well do you?
This week's Poll Question is:
1. Do you believe things happen for a reason?
1.b. Why or Why not?
Nice things,
byRob Brezsny
Aries (Mar. 21st to Apr. 19th)
"Get used to the fact that you're going to feel good about your life and bad about your life maybe eight times a day every day" advises healer Carolyn Myss, "and clear about your life and confused about your life 25 times a day. Your journey is to get to the point where you realize: 'Hey, this is just passing through me.'" While I personally think there's more to your journey than that, it's an excellent discipline that will serve you exceedingly well. And the coming weeks happen to be the perfect time, Aries, to improve your mastery of thissubtle yet heroic art.
Impending Doom? or Redundant Game?
This is my horror-scope from last week. I take these things with a sprinkle of salt, but occasionally some of them are quite prolific in their prediction and exploitation of good sound advice. This one was incredibly comforting.
Cue "Feel the Love".
Fate is a many splendoured insult in a complimet.
August the 22nd is a rather unwanted anniversary in the lives of those who love a man who no longer turns this soil.
My superhero
I am not but a creation,
attempting to imitate with humble aggression,
the man who raised me
from the age of 3.
What the hell is Immortality?
Death cannot kill something (and in turn, someone) which lives in the hearts and minds of others.
The search continues...
I bless my ears
with lyrical cheers.
With the arrest of age,
I thank the universe for Sage.
Tea time with Death
Watching things die is educational and painful. While having tea and scones (only good when they're fresh) we discuss the good points of living a long time, I suggest the best thing acquired in living a long time is the the ability to write well. Death agrees passing on knowledge in an efficient manner is a gift given by time. He then drops a piece of sorta fresh scone onto the floor for the Death of Rats.
"I'll tell you what I want, What I really, really want..."
"Do you believe in fate Mal?"
Well do you?
This week's Poll Question is:
1. Do you believe things happen for a reason?
1.b. Why or Why not?
Nice things,

how the hell ya doing?