so I'm one of those people that really doesn't get sick all to often. But since I moved I've gotten sick 3 times in 2 months. What the hell is up with you Oregonians huh? You are all diseased! Diseased i tell you!!!!!
yes i know it's cold season. shuttup.
Anyway my dumb self still hasn't enrolled in school. Life can be distracting. I'll make it a priority to at least figure out where to start today. Yay student loans!
I need to get out and meet some people. I'm so going to be a hermit lady with like 25 cats running around all over my crappy little shack knocking shit over when im older. Just kidding, I really hope that doesn't happen. That would kind of blow.
yes i know it's cold season. shuttup.
Anyway my dumb self still hasn't enrolled in school. Life can be distracting. I'll make it a priority to at least figure out where to start today. Yay student loans!
I need to get out and meet some people. I'm so going to be a hermit lady with like 25 cats running around all over my crappy little shack knocking shit over when im older. Just kidding, I really hope that doesn't happen. That would kind of blow.

sketch comedy
here you go babycakes? i'll relay a message to Agent to let you into the first group.