ok here's what i think:
i think andie macdowell very well may be the worst actress of all time. i don't think ive ever seen her give a good, convincing performance. it's always hokey and quite often annoying. now, this is not to say that all her movies are terrible, some of them are great. but she is always carried by the script, the direction, and her fellow actors.
some examples:
multiplicity-carried by michael keaton
four weddings and a funeral-the supporting cast and script is what made this movie.
groudhog day- carried by bill murray and chris elliot.
i find this very frustrating, and i don't know why this should bother me. maybe it's because she makes more money than me, but i have the sneaking suspision that that's not it.
i think andie macdowell very well may be the worst actress of all time. i don't think ive ever seen her give a good, convincing performance. it's always hokey and quite often annoying. now, this is not to say that all her movies are terrible, some of them are great. but she is always carried by the script, the direction, and her fellow actors.
some examples:
multiplicity-carried by michael keaton
four weddings and a funeral-the supporting cast and script is what made this movie.
groudhog day- carried by bill murray and chris elliot.
i find this very frustrating, and i don't know why this should bother me. maybe it's because she makes more money than me, but i have the sneaking suspision that that's not it.

luck was not really on my side this weekend...
check out my journal for details...
and andie mcdowell does suck ass...
it occurred to me today that youd talked about different plans for this week.