500 greatest albums of all time-
Ok. Im not gona say I like music as much as the next guy. I like music way more than the next guy. I love music. Its really a sickness. I am an addict to sound. I have to have music. I have music for every mood, every situation, evey experiacne. No surprise that I like everytype of music, then. Really the only cirteria is that it is not foolish or silly. I dont like stupid music, it pisses me off. But there is somethinng from everything that I like.
Listening makes me happpy, keeps me sane(ish), embraces my saddness, powers me up, helps me escape, backs up my singing, makes me crazy(er), brings back memories, makes the moment, helps me to sleep, wakes me up, sets the mood, goes along for the ride music is the quintesential elemnt in my life.
Today I listened to: garbage, the beach boys ppet soounds, a little zeppelin, some debussy (a classical composer). I am currently spiningedith piaf, a german singer from the 40s or something near to then. Her music is kinda caberet-ish.
So yeah, I am all over the place and always listening.
The beach boys are not part of my normal listening experience. Pet sounds has two real good tracks: god only knows and wouldnt it be nice. I was inspired to spin iit because of the rolling stone mags top 500 issue. in it, Pet sounds is in the top 10. It is (schokingly) #2. I have yet to read the criteria for the positions and I am no critic of any professional caliber. However, #2. ???. I dont see it. The reeason I was listening to it was to see if I can see it. Yup, dont. it is ok, but it just doesnt strikeme as genious. #1 is Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Now that is geneus. For sure. For the end of the last song, day in the life, they got all the pianos in the building, where the recording studios were, into the room they were using. I think it was 10 or so. They all were struck at the same time in the lowest possible cord and as it faded out the sound engineer was slowly raising the recording volvume of the mics to pick up every possible second of the cords sound. Thats rad. Does it add much to the song? No. does the common listener even hear it? Prolly not. I bet there are plently of people in the world that have heard the song but never made it to the last 10 seconds were that happens. But not everytning is for everyone. It was a neat trick a neat idea that came to the guys while there were in a magical time of creativity in their lives. The album is full of all kinds of tricks like this. Great song writing. Great bass playing. Its brilliant. A deservid #1. But pet sounds? Sheeesh. I would have put Exile On Main Street (rolling stones) before pet sounds.
The top 10 in order is: sgt Peppers (beatles), pet sounds (beach boys), revolver (beatles), highway 61 revisited (bob dylan), rubber soul (beatles), whats going on (marvin gay), exile (stones), london calling (the clash), blonde on blonde (bob dylan) and the white album (beatles) at #10.
Four beatles in the top 10. Safe to say rolling stone mag has a high regard for their talent and song writing. I agree. I really dig me some beatles.
The clash in the top ten blew me away. I love that album. It is brilliant. It is full of tricks just like sgt peppers is. In fact there is a song, whos name escapes me at the moment, that uses 2 or 3 or 4 pianos for a thicker sound. I dont remember all the deatail of that pictular review of the recording of london calling but I know I came away impressed. I believe it is in the liner notes for the delux version. Whatever the tricks and talents may be, it is a great album. It is all over the place with styles, tempos and ideas. I am just schocked that it was picked to be in the top ten. Deserved, but surprising.
Me, I would have put some tom waits and nick cave in the top ten. But I am a bit bias towards them. Prolly would toss in some bjork near the top too. But I am sure that RS has to consider mass appeal in addition to talent. And where my picks have talent, they lack the mass apppeal of the beatles and the beach boys. I wonder what my top ten albums would look like
(this is Gobbles)

Ok. Im not gona say I like music as much as the next guy. I like music way more than the next guy. I love music. Its really a sickness. I am an addict to sound. I have to have music. I have music for every mood, every situation, evey experiacne. No surprise that I like everytype of music, then. Really the only cirteria is that it is not foolish or silly. I dont like stupid music, it pisses me off. But there is somethinng from everything that I like.
Listening makes me happpy, keeps me sane(ish), embraces my saddness, powers me up, helps me escape, backs up my singing, makes me crazy(er), brings back memories, makes the moment, helps me to sleep, wakes me up, sets the mood, goes along for the ride music is the quintesential elemnt in my life.
Today I listened to: garbage, the beach boys ppet soounds, a little zeppelin, some debussy (a classical composer). I am currently spiningedith piaf, a german singer from the 40s or something near to then. Her music is kinda caberet-ish.
So yeah, I am all over the place and always listening.
The beach boys are not part of my normal listening experience. Pet sounds has two real good tracks: god only knows and wouldnt it be nice. I was inspired to spin iit because of the rolling stone mags top 500 issue. in it, Pet sounds is in the top 10. It is (schokingly) #2. I have yet to read the criteria for the positions and I am no critic of any professional caliber. However, #2. ???. I dont see it. The reeason I was listening to it was to see if I can see it. Yup, dont. it is ok, but it just doesnt strikeme as genious. #1 is Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Now that is geneus. For sure. For the end of the last song, day in the life, they got all the pianos in the building, where the recording studios were, into the room they were using. I think it was 10 or so. They all were struck at the same time in the lowest possible cord and as it faded out the sound engineer was slowly raising the recording volvume of the mics to pick up every possible second of the cords sound. Thats rad. Does it add much to the song? No. does the common listener even hear it? Prolly not. I bet there are plently of people in the world that have heard the song but never made it to the last 10 seconds were that happens. But not everytning is for everyone. It was a neat trick a neat idea that came to the guys while there were in a magical time of creativity in their lives. The album is full of all kinds of tricks like this. Great song writing. Great bass playing. Its brilliant. A deservid #1. But pet sounds? Sheeesh. I would have put Exile On Main Street (rolling stones) before pet sounds.
The top 10 in order is: sgt Peppers (beatles), pet sounds (beach boys), revolver (beatles), highway 61 revisited (bob dylan), rubber soul (beatles), whats going on (marvin gay), exile (stones), london calling (the clash), blonde on blonde (bob dylan) and the white album (beatles) at #10.
Four beatles in the top 10. Safe to say rolling stone mag has a high regard for their talent and song writing. I agree. I really dig me some beatles.
The clash in the top ten blew me away. I love that album. It is brilliant. It is full of tricks just like sgt peppers is. In fact there is a song, whos name escapes me at the moment, that uses 2 or 3 or 4 pianos for a thicker sound. I dont remember all the deatail of that pictular review of the recording of london calling but I know I came away impressed. I believe it is in the liner notes for the delux version. Whatever the tricks and talents may be, it is a great album. It is all over the place with styles, tempos and ideas. I am just schocked that it was picked to be in the top ten. Deserved, but surprising.
Me, I would have put some tom waits and nick cave in the top ten. But I am a bit bias towards them. Prolly would toss in some bjork near the top too. But I am sure that RS has to consider mass appeal in addition to talent. And where my picks have talent, they lack the mass apppeal of the beatles and the beach boys. I wonder what my top ten albums would look like
(this is Gobbles)