In the mood for change lately due to a shift in my life recently, nothing too dramatic but simply change. I find that when I don't fight the change and just go with the flow, I seem to float right up to the exact bank of transition that I needed but had been fighting for so long. I've realized that most of all in my life I needed more freedom, yeah freedom that's it. I'm very fortunate in the family and friends department so I can't bitch about that but I do put myself under a lot pressure to be the perfect wife, daughter, sister, best friend, and so on I can be. I've basically come to the conclusion that people will love and support in a time of need and I don't always need to be the base of support every time and that showing vulnerability is okay sometimes. Some how all that realization snuck into my rationale over deciding to wear glasses today..hmmm. On to another solution to a problem, over analyzing! <3