The Mastodon/Dethklok concert is tomorrow. I can't wait!
I got mugged last night. At gunpoint. Terrifying. I had $450 on me, as I was waiting to go the bank today. That was supposed to be my rent money for next month. It looks like I'll have to find a new job sooner than I would have liked.
dude that sucks. best of luck finding work.
oh man that really does suck frown I'm sorry that happened to you, good luck
My first blog entry, and I have nothing to say. The last blog I kept was ages ago. I'm not sure what I talked about then. Probably teenage angst or some crap. No worries though, I'll keep at it.
It means 'the healing art' because i'm a massage therapist. I got a new one too you can see it on my profile. It's not a great picture but who cares lol