Real Ultimate Power! Ninja fans unite! And worship Edea while we are at it! No, i dont mean 'at IT'. Doing that will definately get you in trouble, unless your partner happens to be called Edea. Better not to risk it.
In other news, Akira rocks.
In yet other news, is an awe-inspiring site for those of us with... less than conventional humour. Definately worth the loading times. Strong Bad's Email is my favourite section so far.
Things are good. Really busy though.
*revision* Almost wrote 'really busty though' until i saw the mistake just before submitting. *sigh* Boobies are fun, i wish i was really busty though.
In other news, Akira rocks.
In yet other news, is an awe-inspiring site for those of us with... less than conventional humour. Definately worth the loading times. Strong Bad's Email is my favourite section so far.
Things are good. Really busy though.
*revision* Almost wrote 'really busty though' until i saw the mistake just before submitting. *sigh* Boobies are fun, i wish i was really busty though.
Are you back at uni yet? I start again on Monday, where did my holidays go?
I'm a bit embarassed to be called a musician, as I have not one musical bone in my body, except maybe the tiny little ones in my ears. I'm more of a tech guy, but the hanging around with the real musicians does lead to a lot of drinking. There's been a lot of rock n roll on of late, which I'm hoping will settle down a bit so I can concentrate on my schooling. Yes, going to university is the way to kerb my alcohol consumption.