pussy-esque.. the month of september traditionally sucks
Current mood: awake
one of the best things in the world... having a weekend off. i am soo freakin happy to get away from the building for a weekend and get out of work mode. i am literally sick to death of the month of september and am looking forward sharply to a new month with newer opportunities, including the anticipated submission of my photoset for SG.
september has always been a whirlwind month for me, full of turbulence and changes, particularly in the last two years with jobby job and relationships. what on earth made me think of ever dating a Virgo last summer is BEYOND me. but, time moves on, changes pick up and i am yet happy again to see the weird cycle of my year passing into history for another year.
some things are just way too dramatic. like work of late... its been way too dramatic. people are freaking stupid and emotional and stupid and pussy-esque. yep, that's a new word.. 'pussy-esque'.
but at the same time, i suppose september is a good thing, too. pussy-esque as it may be, it also hits up changes in the system. this isn't ever really a bad thing in the long run, but it always ticks me off when it happens. i now have several opportunities in front of me, all of which are waiting/ pending to happen.
i need to move the fuck onwards and upwards. am sick and tired of ... sick and tired.
So welcome to Rocktober! Oh I hate that.....sorry.....

What were you thinking Miss Firesign?