Hm. Went to see the new Harry Potter movie. Was kind of disappointed. I felt the story was all over creation and there were a few details missing. Nuff said. It was probably worth it in some way. I like seeing movies in the theater, but the books are SO much better.
More Blogs
Tuesday Oct 09, 2007
Charles Baudelaire : Metamorphoses of the Vampire (1857) Meanwhile… -
Monday Oct 08, 2007
Life is going well of late... well not really. Long story short, I a… -
Friday Oct 05, 2007
So it's time to update for update's sake. LoL. It is 4 days since t… -
Monday Oct 01, 2007
I looked over the initial printed proofs for the 100th time tonight. … -
Sunday Sep 30, 2007
Classic The classic narcissist is overly self-confident and sees them… -
Saturday Sep 29, 2007
i am trying very hard to forget that i did a photoset. because someh… -
Friday Sep 28, 2007
I feel a little crazy-cool today. Went to the dmv, got my license ren… -
Friday Sep 28, 2007
i feel as though i am sleeping on many days. it's alarming to wake u… -
Thursday Sep 27, 2007
do ya know... the waiting game really is harsh. lol. i know that th… -
Thursday Sep 27, 2007
pussy-esque.. the month of september traditionally sucks Curre…
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