Grah. I really have to go to work today. But I know a few others did too. Had so much fun last night meeting everyone. And this morning, I actually don't feel that bad, which is a VERY good thing. I hate going to work with a horrible hangover, and I was anticipating a lot worse.
More Blogs
Sunday May 25, 2008
I have really got to post here more often. Although, I must say I di… -
Wednesday Apr 23, 2008
I had a second round interview at my company for a management positio… -
Tuesday Mar 25, 2008
I came to Arizona over the Easter weekend to be with my parents and t… -
Tuesday Jan 08, 2008
Simply put, I am awake at 5-something AM with the world's worst sore … -
Monday Jan 07, 2008
Happy returns and New year's to all. No I haven't died yet. As a ma… -
Wednesday Dec 12, 2007
I have managed to stay away for a month. Hm. Truthfully I've been b… -
Wednesday Nov 07, 2007
Update for updates sake. I don't think the interview on Friday went w… -
Thursday Nov 01, 2007
Glad I didn't pick my nose during the interview.... I am one of the 7… -
Friday Oct 26, 2007
All the days gone by: Today I had an interview with the worst inte… -
Monday Oct 22, 2007
Desert Daydream- rejected set I started that lovely time of the mo…
I have been hungover ALL effin day!! I didnt even remember the ride home!!!! hahaha I only had 3 drinks! I am such a lightweight!!!