Mew mew mew mew meow. (Well, I'm still liking my new home. The main room is really long so everynight around midnight I sprint back and forth as fast as I can. It's fun! In the old place we lived I had to go in circles because now I know it was much smaller. But before we moved I didn't know any better since I had never been anywhere else. The only thing is owner boy's roommate came home one day with these boom bang things. I think they're called drums. LOUD! Too loud for me. I mean, look at my ears, they're like satellite dishes and I can't cover them up. TOO LOUD! Every time I see roommate boy go towards the drumset I run into the bedroom and duck under the bed. You humans are just too loud!

hey kittie from the 'Couv.......sorry about capt square beat...........even the humans wish for earplugs sometimes......he hits hard