Chirp-chirp-meeeeeow!!!! (Owner boy took me away from the apt! I was scared and excited. We took a long long ride in the big humming room with wheels. I was too scared to look outside so I just covered my eyes under a blanket the whole way..... then we got there... Meow! What a big place! I was so excited I had to check out every square inch of the place. And I did. I climbed to the top of these big amplifier mountains and I crawled under all these tables and chairs and I went into all these rooms and closets. I explored for 4 hours straight! Then somehow I still had the energy to play mousecatch with owner boy. I like my new home!!! The next day it all caught up to me and I slept like a kitten... oh wait a minute, I AM a kitten... )
actually i think that things will work out just fine.........i had a good day today......and i really dont know why.......i could be that ive been moving around and shaking out chemicals or something.............that and maybe a bit of security for now......
You have no idea how much i love reading you journal!!!