Mew mew mew. (The snow used to fall. The siren used to sing. The cooters used to roam. But now sweet Venus casts her influence. Shedding the old, and bringing in the new. Sometimes when you draw the Death card things start to get better.)
More Blogs
Monday Dec 22, 2003
Meow! (It's my owner boy's birthday today! Happy Birthday to my own… -
Saturday Dec 06, 2003
Mew mew mew. Mew? Meow. (Have any of you ever killed anything? I … -
Friday Dec 05, 2003
Meow. (Behind every sound is silence.) -
Wednesday Nov 26, 2003
Mew mew, meow, mew. (It's interesting to me that you humans spend so… -
Saturday Nov 22, 2003
Mew Mew. (If you look at the smallest thing you can see and then loo… -
Friday Nov 21, 2003
Meow...purrrrrrrrrr. (I like taking naps.... mmmmm.) -
Thursday Nov 20, 2003
Meow! (I finally am out of the closet. That's right I slept the who… -
Wednesday Nov 19, 2003
Meow! (Wow, it snowed! There's snow on the ground where we live! D… -
Wednesday Nov 19, 2003
Meow!! (Owner boy moved the couch tonight.... and guess what we foun… -
Tuesday Nov 18, 2003
Mew Mew. (Me and owner boy are sleeping in more and more every day. …