Mew. (Owner boy tells me he is disillusioned at the moment. Everyone he knows appears to be spun out. They either deny it, glorify it, or rationalize it. Most rock and roll sucks big time too. Low forms of energy. Not very highly evolved. Hey c'mon! There's nothing wrong with evolving a little tiny bit you fucking apes! )
Mew mew mew. (The snow used to fall. The siren used to sing. The cooters used to roam. But now sweet Venus casts her influence. Shedding the old, and bringing in the new. Sometimes when you draw the Death card things start to get better.)
Mew. Mew. (I'm a cat. No one knows what I'm really thinking about. Owner boy is a cat too in that regard. No one knows what he's thinking about. We sit in our lair. Our own little world. Where's Izabella?)
Mew mew meow. Mew, mew-mew meow. Meow! (Today I figured out where I live. I live in a place called Izabella's Canvas Studios. They record big boom bang sounds here. Good thing I have a bedroom with a big bed to hide under when they're doing their boom bang sounds. Some of the stranger human beings you'll ever encounter come over here. They have weird... Read More