Meow! (Owner boy just produced a movie... starring..... MEow! Well, it's only 90 seconds long but I'm the star of it. Owner boy composed the soundtrack and everything. He's gonna have it on the web soon....)
uh oh........maya dry humping the couch and eveything.......yes ar no.........yo! kitty.....lemme ask you a the future.......would you fuck a dog?......and would it remind you of bo diddly?
Meow! (Well, it looks like the ice is finally starting to melt. It was a fun week watching the ice show out the window. I also liked the peace and quiet. Part of that was because they closed the airport so the big boom boom planes couldn't take off! Part of it also was because we kept losing our electricity. But that's ok. Owner boy... Read More
be sure to tell owner boy happy birthday.........i had fun jammin with him last night.............and i really look foreward to the next time we can sleep together.......that was really nice........for my soul........a nice fury friend
Mew mew mew. Mew? Meow. (Have any of you ever killed anything? I haven't. At least not that I know of. Am I denying a part of my true nature? I mean, in the wild I would have to kill in order to survive, unless I learned how to eat weeds and grass. Owner boy feeds me yummy food so I don't have to kill.... Read More
voice of "other Mohammed"......i wish i could lay around and sleep.......i wish i had more time to make sense of it all.......i wish my name wasnt Mohammed...........
Mew mew, meow, mew. (It's interesting to me that you humans spend so much of your time dwelling on the past and thinking about the future. What ever happened to right now? It's all ya got, buddies. )
Are there car chases?