After two months and two days, my son is finally home! It has been a long journey to this point. My pregnancy was extremely rough. In and out of the hospital almost every other week, constant IV medication, even when I was home. I even developed seizures.
February 29th, I went into hospital with pretty bad pain in my side (later found out that it was because he was pushing on my womb) and was there for hours. I would get seizures when I was in too much pain, guess I was. I started seizing around 9:30pm, was rushed to the OR for an emergency C-Section. By 10:43pm, my beautiful son was born at 2lbs 13oz. He wasn't due until May 17th, so he was just about two and a half months premature. He needed a cpap machine, but kicked it in a few days. Then he develooed jaundice, and kicked that in less than 24hrs. The doctors were amazed, and so was I.
His growth already has been incredible. I couldnt be anymore proud. He is now a thriving almost 7lb, 47cm long bay who is finally home sleeping next to mommy. 💕
To any healthcare workers on here,
Thank you. If it wasn't for the amazing people who take an oath to help those in need, things could be way different right now. From those who take care of the pregnancy mothers, to those who care for the children, to the housekeeping staff. I wouldnt have made it through this if it wasnt for humans like you. You guys are the real superstars! 😎💜