It's been a long time since I've posted anything so i thought i should update this thing.
There's a lot that's happened since the last update but I'm too lazy to go into details. Lets just say this year has baan way too sucky for me so far. Aside from the depressing stuff i've also had quite a bit of fun so here are some pics to illustrate what i've been up to, rather me having to put it all into writting (i did say i was lazy).
I've had some awesome time with my old school mates down my local and here are my mate's V's shades. They are way too cool for words.
I look very confused here. No idea why.
This was taken on another night of me and the school gang being out. I chose this pic cos V looks really pissed and she hates this pic, hehe.
This is me on down at the reg. I was obviously excited about something.
This was taken on St. Paddy's day. I don't know why i look so confused or why the fuck i look so pale. I think i need to start eatin gmy greens.
I'm on my way to the next pub on St. Paddy's day. It was one big pub crawl where i ended up legless. as you do on such occations.
I also learned to love guiness after swearing to never drinking it again due to the events which occured on my 18's bday.
I also bleached my hair over the easter holidays. I've got really bored of the black and felt like i was stuck in a rut. I also had it cut which altogether cos tme a hefty 95. Ouch, i know.
Here's me and my girls at the swan, drinking. Again.
Well that's it for now. Till next time.
There's a lot that's happened since the last update but I'm too lazy to go into details. Lets just say this year has baan way too sucky for me so far. Aside from the depressing stuff i've also had quite a bit of fun so here are some pics to illustrate what i've been up to, rather me having to put it all into writting (i did say i was lazy).
I've had some awesome time with my old school mates down my local and here are my mate's V's shades. They are way too cool for words.
I look very confused here. No idea why.
This was taken on another night of me and the school gang being out. I chose this pic cos V looks really pissed and she hates this pic, hehe.
This is me on down at the reg. I was obviously excited about something.
This was taken on St. Paddy's day. I don't know why i look so confused or why the fuck i look so pale. I think i need to start eatin gmy greens.
I'm on my way to the next pub on St. Paddy's day. It was one big pub crawl where i ended up legless. as you do on such occations.

I also bleached my hair over the easter holidays. I've got really bored of the black and felt like i was stuck in a rut. I also had it cut which altogether cos tme a hefty 95. Ouch, i know.
Here's me and my girls at the swan, drinking. Again.
Well that's it for now. Till next time.
hey my fantastic friend ....have a magic vday !!!!a big big hug for you !!!
happy happy happy birthday my sweet friend !!!a big big kiss for you !!!