Two and a bit weeks until Christmas holiday. How awesome is that? I swear this semester gone really quickly, althought not without it's difficulties. Such as the Visual Theater, but don't get me started on that.
Right now it seem like a lot of deadlines are aproaching all at ones and it seem like it's all getting a bit too much. Take tomorrow for example, I got to hand in my final 'Short Story' by noon along with all the drafts and I still got a bit of editing to do.
I shoudld really be doing it now, but it's so hard to find the motivation lately. I desperatly need a holiday soon, this semester really nackered me out.
Anyways. That was my little rant. Need to get that off my chest before i can do anythign else.
On the other hand. I've went to see 'Pan's Laberynth' this weekend. It was so good. Really inspirational, kind of takes me back to the point in my life when i was a kid and loved all the fairy tales. I strongly recomend you go see it.
It might not be to everybody's taste, ut if you like fantasy films you'd probably like this.
Now back to work.....
Right now it seem like a lot of deadlines are aproaching all at ones and it seem like it's all getting a bit too much. Take tomorrow for example, I got to hand in my final 'Short Story' by noon along with all the drafts and I still got a bit of editing to do.
I shoudld really be doing it now, but it's so hard to find the motivation lately. I desperatly need a holiday soon, this semester really nackered me out.
Anyways. That was my little rant. Need to get that off my chest before i can do anythign else.
On the other hand. I've went to see 'Pan's Laberynth' this weekend. It was so good. Really inspirational, kind of takes me back to the point in my life when i was a kid and loved all the fairy tales. I strongly recomend you go see it.

Now back to work.....

yay christmaaaaaas

Ba humbug!!!