these words are my heart
you are my heart
are you my words?
tonight you are
tonight I am
I guess that makes us close
I guess that makes us count
And why not?
We Count
One, Two, three
I love thee
I hate thee
Not really
Mostly Me
You could kill me
and I'd kiss your hand
With my own blood on my own lips
I'd whisper
I'd cough
I'd wheeze
I love thee
But never hate thee
only me
for free
on bended knee
to you I give me
me to thee
for free
would you have me?
you do have me
damn thee
I Love You.
you are my heart
are you my words?
tonight you are
tonight I am
I guess that makes us close
I guess that makes us count
And why not?
We Count
One, Two, three
I love thee
I hate thee
Not really
Mostly Me
You could kill me
and I'd kiss your hand
With my own blood on my own lips
I'd whisper
I'd cough
I'd wheeze
I love thee
But never hate thee
only me
for free
on bended knee
to you I give me
me to thee
for free
would you have me?
you do have me
damn thee
I Love You.