Well, I was hoping for something neat to update with...I got it alright..sorta :X
Well, since I haven't updated in like three years, I figure I'll regale you all with a good one
I went shopping for computer chairs today(found two good prospects) and I was heading back over to the school side of town, and there's this stretch of freeway.. For those of you who live here, on the 143, right before it spontaneously becomes 48th street in Tempe there's this intersection. It's really odd and unconventional, and probably very dangerous, but during normal traffic it's no sweat, there are strobe lights in the red signals even, and lots of flashing stuff before you get to the intersection to tell you what's about to happen. The problem is though, during a certain part of rush hour, before it gets visibly backed up, here's what happens: everyone's going along at 65+ mph and then as the first cars get to the intersection there's this chain reaction of "oh shit!" braking. Even with ample warning, you have to hit your brakes pretty hard to not hit anyone. I've almost gotten in the exact same wreck in the exact same place once or twice before, but this time I reacted just a second too late and barely didn't have enough time to stop. I rear-ended this Range Rover with Scottsdale plate frames at the damn traffic jam after stepping on my brake pedal and skidding for a while, I hit him. Thank the car gods there was no damage(visibly) at all to his car, or I'd be fucked in the ass right now. The driver was extremely nice, we got off the freeway and went to pull over somewhere, exchanged cell numbers, etc. Neither of us was hurt at all, and my car sustained minor damage. There's little cosmetic scrapes and stuff on the bumper, the grill was compacted in a bit, and the hood bent up at an angle in the middle on both sides about a half of an inch, and now is jammed shut. This really sucks, but I'm so incredibly lucky. If there had been significant damage to either of our cars, or one of us had gotten hurt, anything like that, goddamn would I be screwed
Also thank god it wasn't some angry homie in a pimped out Escalade or something. The driver was an incredibly nice guy, very very lucky.
Oh yeah: does anyone know of a good body shop around here?
Edit: I think things are fixed...no more editing for a while.
Well, since I haven't updated in like three years, I figure I'll regale you all with a good one

Oh yeah: does anyone know of a good body shop around here?
Edit: I think things are fixed...no more editing for a while.
[Edited on Sep 26, 2003]
it's fall, the season of love!!!