Hey everyone this is SARS, because Maxxus is too lazy to update his journal I will be doing so for him. In an attempt to make his life seem even more interesting then it truly is I will randomly be adding pirates a chickens to his everyday accounts.
So, for instance today, instead of a trip to the arcade, fun with 80's movies followed by an SG BBQ his life would sound something like this.
OMG! So we were going to go to the arcade and then these pirates came and made me sacrifice a chicken to Zarquon the space god while I played DDR at Castles and Coasters and then later we all went home to watch Summer School but Nemesis and I had to abandon ship because there was this really nifty party to go to and besides the pirates were getting a really stinky. CHICKEN!
I hope you all enjoy the new and improved life of Maxxus
So, for instance today, instead of a trip to the arcade, fun with 80's movies followed by an SG BBQ his life would sound something like this.
OMG! So we were going to go to the arcade and then these pirates came and made me sacrifice a chicken to Zarquon the space god while I played DDR at Castles and Coasters and then later we all went home to watch Summer School but Nemesis and I had to abandon ship because there was this really nifty party to go to and besides the pirates were getting a really stinky. CHICKEN!
I hope you all enjoy the new and improved life of Maxxus
woah, its weird seeing my name all over the place like this
jealous of what? i was just making a comment based on the fact that he posted random stuff like every 10 minutes for a few hours