Wow, two entries in one month...holy beans..anyway. The last week or so has been pretty decent, got to spend a lot of time with Odyne, consumed Enchiladas, etc etc. Haha, last night, she comes over to chill while I code... she was able to have some nice peace and quiet to work on drawings, and I had company while crunching VB.. Yay
There was also much playing of Mario 3(yes, they ARE gonna eat you!) Then in one of our frequent and random nighttime things, we decided we wanted movies. Blockbuster/Hollywood had both already closed because They are ALL buttfuckers...We went to Walmart to get a movie, and both ended up walking out with an armful of about 6 movies each...Hey, they were like 6 bucks each, what the hell, ya know?
Lots of neat scenes with people getting ______ in the face with a _____! "Shoot 'im in the face!" "Shoot im in the face!" Weeth Witherthpoon kills EVERYONE, and it provided much humor.
Hmm..I'm going out of town tomorrow morning to go help the parents move..I'll miss all of my lovely friends, and I'll be wanting some birthday enchiladas upon my return *nods* Kaji, SARS, and Odyne(if you get to go) Enjoy the hell out of your pyrofest in Albequerque, blow some shit up for me
Yay incoherent 3:30 AM ramblings.... I needa finish packing now *nods*
The Fountainhead is definitely coming with me on the plane tomorrow

Hmm..I'm going out of town tomorrow morning to go help the parents move..I'll miss all of my lovely friends, and I'll be wanting some birthday enchiladas upon my return *nods* Kaji, SARS, and Odyne(if you get to go) Enjoy the hell out of your pyrofest in Albequerque, blow some shit up for me

Yay incoherent 3:30 AM ramblings.... I needa finish packing now *nods*
The Fountainhead is definitely coming with me on the plane tomorrow