college is...
looking at naked girls when you should be doing your homework.
alex bought us a subscription to SG. i've been hassling him for a while and he bought it to make me happy, how sweet! now we spend our days looking at girls together...what a pair.
college is not so hard, the people here suck though. freshman suck. the food sucks. but the life is fun. i got drunk like 3 times this week, which is a lot for me. not nearly enough, though. I need to be intoxicated before class, because jesus, it's hard. I got a D- on the first thing i turned in last friday. D-? Why not just give it an F. It would be less insulting.
i hate football players. agh. they are ugly and slutty and stupid. they love the girls in my hall. the girls in my hall are also pretty ugly slutty and stupid. i'd rather spend my time with my sweetie or the girls down the other wing. whatever.
i should put up pics of the roller disco we had on Friday! It was extremely fun. We all looked hilarious. And we had much more fun than if we had just sat around getting drunk or something.
until something more interesting...bubye
looking at naked girls when you should be doing your homework.
alex bought us a subscription to SG. i've been hassling him for a while and he bought it to make me happy, how sweet! now we spend our days looking at girls together...what a pair.
college is not so hard, the people here suck though. freshman suck. the food sucks. but the life is fun. i got drunk like 3 times this week, which is a lot for me. not nearly enough, though. I need to be intoxicated before class, because jesus, it's hard. I got a D- on the first thing i turned in last friday. D-? Why not just give it an F. It would be less insulting.
i hate football players. agh. they are ugly and slutty and stupid. they love the girls in my hall. the girls in my hall are also pretty ugly slutty and stupid. i'd rather spend my time with my sweetie or the girls down the other wing. whatever.
i should put up pics of the roller disco we had on Friday! It was extremely fun. We all looked hilarious. And we had much more fun than if we had just sat around getting drunk or something.
until something more interesting...bubye
Welcome to SG! I did know about the cannon thing yesterday, I think that's really cool that people did that for him.

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