Well, then there were nine. It's been rather dead over here for awhile? I picked up "With Teeth" & feel that the loss of Danny Loner has hurt NIN's future a lot. There are 3 stand out tracks among 12 or so. I love Gordie White but I don't believe Trent gave him much room to explore. NIN has gave way to A Perfect Circle & Primal Scream!!! Trent needs to search out Alan Wilder & than maybe he can return. Until then continue to listen to "Broken" & remember the days of old!!!

i am still working on getting the cds together for you. i am finishing a second dj set, so when its done, all the stuff will be sent
I have spent much of the past 2 weeks helping the boyfriend pack and move. We spent all weekend actually moving and cleaning his old house. I hate moving, especially when it's not my stuff! My mom is changing schools so I get to help her move school stuff the next 2 days. I'll be glad when it's over and I can relax!
The only other time I havelived with a boyfriend was not good. But it wasn't a good relationship to start, so I'm not too worried about this time. It's just those bad memories lurking in the back of my mind. Time to get over those, eh?
What's new in sunny Portland? I saw "Sin City" and "Star Wars" recently. "Sin City" was good visually, but that's about it. "Star Wars" seriously lacked a decent script. I swear some soap opera writer could have written more believable love scenes.
How goes the townhouse search? Searching for housing of any kind is a pain! I hope it goes smoothly for you!
Why is it that most bands seem to reach a point where people say "The last album I like was.... (insert random album name that is 5 albums old)." So sad.... not to say that some bands can't eventually recover, but many do not. I'm liking what I have heard of New Order's new album although I hadn't liked much since "Technique." I guess I just really like 80s music and some fro the early 90s most and no one seems to be making that anymore.
Happy short week! Do anything exciting over the 3 day?