"there's no-one left in the world
that I can hold onto
there is really no-one left at all
there is only you
and if you leave me now
you leave all that we were
there is really no-one left
you are the only one

and still the hardest part for you
is to put your trust in me
I love you more than I...
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This is the really first time that I talk about this thing, maybe because I reached a thought in my mind, for sure is because I feel safety here in this community.

Sometimes I think to be horny, maybe I really am, but at the really end is just a thought.

Do you know that time that u really want something but when u have...
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"It’s a hard life
To be true lovers together
To love and live forever in each others hearts
It’s a long hard fight
To learn to care for each other
To trust in one another right from the start
When you’re in love"



...to re-start a new week!


A special "speak easy" night in my city with "Sol Levante" cocktail:

- Bourbon and Matcha Tea infusion

- Rice's Syrup

- Orange Bitter

- Salmon's Drops

Who will come with me next time?



Somebody will go there? There is an incredible LINE UP..MYGOSH!
