I first posted this as a comment to my last post, so I blame it on either it's Monday or the fact I haven't written a blog recently. Moving on, I had two free sessions with a phyical trainer at my gym that I signed up for. Friday she kicked my ass with a leg workout, and I am still having trouble walking. Guess it... Read More
So I drink caffiene on a daily basis, I have done so for many many years now. So it is very rare for me to be jittery from caffiene. However today, one of the people that come in to where I work goes out and gets coffee most mornings, so I give him some money to bring me back a coffee. Everytime I get coffee... Read More
Yep so I ordered some new computer parts. It was that time for an upgrade again, you know every few years or so good thing to do if you game. Now my computer is all shiny and clean again. I even had to buy some parts I didnt think i needed like this new keyboard that I am sooo not used to. been using my... Read More
You know for it being dreary outside, I am surprisingly in a good mood. It is just one of those days where you just feel good for no reason at all, even if you got some lack of sleep or something. Although not much planned for the weekend, since beating Bioshock Infinite recently I have once again run out of video games to keep me... Read More
OO YES OOOO YESSS Just realized I had forgotten that Bioshock Infinite is out. Going directly to the store after work and getting my copy, and I will probably be MIA for some time lol. No word yet either about being able to play FFXIV beta, guess I do not qualify, bastards.. I only have like every single FF game ever.... well most of them.