It was such a nice day today, although I did not go outside till 5ish and start cooking on the BBQ. Mhh made me some burgers and chicken, followed of course by beer. I have not really drank in awhile so a beer and a half later im feeling good and writing this. O and I will try and post the two pics I took wilst bbqing, that is if the stupid picture data isn't to big this time to upload, "some reason all my pics I take are waaaaay too big to upload" thus why I haven't uploaded many pics. 

Soooo how is everybodies weekend going so far. "ahh my gramatical errors have far surpassed that of normal along with the fucking keyboard boycoting my typing atm while im getting drunk. cheers!!!!!!!
Don't mind the shit eating grin on my face 1st bbq of the year

Batman and Robin

AAAnd I took some photos for the start of getting back into shape, kinda like a photo progress thingy, that way I can see my overall progress of getting back to how I used to be before all my surgeries. Don't mind my hardcore military face I was concentrating lol

Don't mind the shit eating grin on my face 1st bbq of the year

Batman and Robin

AAAnd I took some photos for the start of getting back into shape, kinda like a photo progress thingy, that way I can see my overall progress of getting back to how I used to be before all my surgeries. Don't mind my hardcore military face I was concentrating lol