Reading the news makes me angry! but aside from that it has been a good week so far. I made a huge batch of manicotti lastnight om nom nom sooooo good. I honestly believe knowing how to cook is an extremely valuable skill, and I am glad I learned so at such a young age "I was five when I started to help cook, thanks mom!" But seriously I run into ppl all the time that don't know how to cook, hell even people at my job who are in there 50's do not know, they live off instant meals and take out.... ugh!!! take out isn't bad every now and then, and I love me some Chipotle "AMG SO GOOD" Hmm I wonder how many grammar mistakes I made so far? In other news I am sore as fuck at the moment, seeing a physical therapist for my back injury from the military, not really happy so far with the job she is doing compared to the specialist I saw when I went home to Cali last year. No pain no gain right???
(P.S: cute tattoo and sexy face <3)