Ahh the migraine from yesterdayfinally went away. On the way home after work, I bought some seltzer water "someone at work suggested I drink to get rid of my headache, 'I will try anything once'" No idea if it worked but that and some 800mg of motrin paid off a few hours later. Good thing too motivation to work out can be a pain, even working out when not motived I can do, but screw working out when your head aches! Craving some sugar too, I guess it is a good thing for whey protein shakes, it's like drinking chocolate milk, except no sugars or lactose. Still sleeping terrible, high matabolism has its downside, burning up in bed cuz i'm too damn hot!!! Kinda got worse since I started working out an hour 5-7 days a week, I am about to sleep with the window open, "it is 30-40'F outside lol.

aw im glad ur better hun! xxxx <3

Thanks !