I finally have a few hours to myself--the choices are mindboggling.
Two groups. What I HAVE to do and what I'd LIKE to do. COmplicated by the fact if I run into the city, it cuts my time in half as I'd have to run back to the city later. Not sure if I want to go into the city later, and not come back, because then I'd have to trust that mom will really eat something when I'm not there, which probably won't be the case. And if I stay and just get some stuff done around the house and neighborhood, then that's another week I didn't get to go into the city for my errends there.
Two groups. What I HAVE to do and what I'd LIKE to do. COmplicated by the fact if I run into the city, it cuts my time in half as I'd have to run back to the city later. Not sure if I want to go into the city later, and not come back, because then I'd have to trust that mom will really eat something when I'm not there, which probably won't be the case. And if I stay and just get some stuff done around the house and neighborhood, then that's another week I didn't get to go into the city for my errends there.

Thanks for the comment darlin!
Nope Between health issues and family I haven't been able to travel as I had planned.