I finished the marathon in a little over six hours! Boy, I love those Law and Order Marathons on the USA Network. What? did you think I was stupid enough to run?
Sorry--I love dumb jokes.
I have today and part of tomorrow off. I have to go to a manditory meeting tomorrow, so that kills half of my day off.
Cleaned most of my room this morning. Took forever because, yes I have a killer cold again. Everyone keeps coming into work sick--even the guards. And the bathrooms have had piss and shit in them for days since they don't flush and need to be fixed. And there are days when we don't have hot water to wash our hands and the airconditioner does not work so it's about 90 degrees on super hot days and freezing on super cold days. And you wonder why I catch so many colds?
So my big 5 ct sale fell through and now I have to bring in $300,000 to make my million by the end of the year. It looks like they'll get rid of me if I don't hit that goal.
Lots of errends today. Off to hit the shower first.

Sorry--I love dumb jokes.
I have today and part of tomorrow off. I have to go to a manditory meeting tomorrow, so that kills half of my day off.
Cleaned most of my room this morning. Took forever because, yes I have a killer cold again. Everyone keeps coming into work sick--even the guards. And the bathrooms have had piss and shit in them for days since they don't flush and need to be fixed. And there are days when we don't have hot water to wash our hands and the airconditioner does not work so it's about 90 degrees on super hot days and freezing on super cold days. And you wonder why I catch so many colds?
So my big 5 ct sale fell through and now I have to bring in $300,000 to make my million by the end of the year. It looks like they'll get rid of me if I don't hit that goal.

Lots of errends today. Off to hit the shower first.
Feel better sweetie.

You can do it! Stay warm and drink lots of fluids.