So once again, my Colonoscopy was postponed--but since I already had Friday, Sat & Sun. off, they let me keep these days off from work. I still had to get up early for a meeting at the store today though. Then I met a friend for an early luch, hit the magic store and picked up some new stuff, then went home and took mom to see MONSTER HOUSE in 3-D. You have got to see this flick--loads of fun. Only see it in 3-D though. And you'll have some great news when you see the coming attractions!
Tomorrow I'm going to take mom into the city to see a play--noit sure what. It depends what's on the half price boards.
Not sure what's on tap for Sunday yet.
Tomorrow I'm going to take mom into the city to see a play--noit sure what. It depends what's on the half price boards.
Not sure what's on tap for Sunday yet.
its horrible.. sorry but it is.. i have to fast for 3 days