the search feature on the boards blows & i didnt feel like wading thru 70 pages of crap to see if something was posted before...sue me
you need to lighten up a bit
if you feel the need to kick me outta the group...whatever
The reason i write this
Dude, if I have to close ONE more of your fucking threads I'm kicking you out of the group.
USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION! In fact just glance down a couple topics!
And Last week
I asked a question of opinion: Which Movie would you like to see a sequel to
OK, I don't think we need to encourage anyone. And you know all of Hollywood is reading this.
And besides, you could have just bumped one of the numerous threads in this group on that topic.
do you really think ppl want to sift thru a 15 page thread? again what ever
Today i see that I am banned from posting in the film group
HAHAH i guess some ppl get alil bit of power & goes to their head or they cant stand being wrong
I hope you got off when you hit that ban button...dick