On Thursday June 19th 2008, I saw REM LIVE at Madison Square Garden...with Melissa & her cousin Chad.
We took the train from Union to Newark and Newark into Penn Station. We ate at HOULIHANS...holy shit that was expensive: like $30 a person. I felt like i was being raped when i paid the check
The National & Modest Mouse opened for REM..we missed The National and caught most of Modest Mouse...They did some crazy shit with an electric banjo lol
I tried to take pictures but my camera was being stupid with the flash & they all came out super dark...i did manage to get some decent video though
The show over all was electric, most songs i had heard before, it was a mix of classic stuff as well as cuts from their new album "Accelerate"
This was also my very first concert...
Here is the set list they played:
Living Well is the Best Revenge
These Days
What's the Frequency, Kenneth?<---great live
Bad Day <---great live
Hollow Man
Man-Sized Wreath
Leaving New York
Disturbance at the Heron House
(Don't Go Back To) Rockville
Driver 8
One I Love
Until The Day is Done
Let Me In
Horse To Water
Pretty Persuasion
Orange Crush <---great live
I'm Gonna DJ
Then they came out for an ENCORE
Supernatural Superserious
Losing My Religion <---great live
Begin The Begin
Fall On Me
Man on the Moon <---great live
We took the train from Union to Newark and Newark into Penn Station. We ate at HOULIHANS...holy shit that was expensive: like $30 a person. I felt like i was being raped when i paid the check
The National & Modest Mouse opened for REM..we missed The National and caught most of Modest Mouse...They did some crazy shit with an electric banjo lol
I tried to take pictures but my camera was being stupid with the flash & they all came out super dark...i did manage to get some decent video though
The show over all was electric, most songs i had heard before, it was a mix of classic stuff as well as cuts from their new album "Accelerate"
This was also my very first concert...
Here is the set list they played:
Living Well is the Best Revenge
These Days
What's the Frequency, Kenneth?<---great live
Bad Day <---great live
Hollow Man
Man-Sized Wreath
Leaving New York
Disturbance at the Heron House
(Don't Go Back To) Rockville
Driver 8
One I Love
Until The Day is Done
Let Me In
Horse To Water
Pretty Persuasion
Orange Crush <---great live
I'm Gonna DJ
Then they came out for an ENCORE
Supernatural Superserious
Losing My Religion <---great live
Begin The Begin
Fall On Me
Man on the Moon <---great live
Wow, that sounds like a great show!!! I used to listen to them all the time in junior high, and recently got back into them. Did you get a lot of drinks at Houlihan's? I like that place, and thought it was really reasonably priced. Wish I could have made it to the show.