Well where were we...
well i saw a dif neurologist yesterday...this one thinks it might be a problem with my eye
i got for an MRA & an MRV next week and have an appt with a neuro-optho eye guy in july
I have no idea what the hell is going on
I had to stop taking the one med they put me one cuz of the freaky side effects i was having.
side effects like:
1) drooling like a bulldog..a supreme amount of saliva
2) an uncontrollable rage with like no control over my temper. "hey you cut me off in traffic, I'll MURDER YOU & FLAY YOUR BABIES!!!!!!!
3) trippy halucinations...the tile of my bathroom floor came alive & tried to eat me...they were all sorts of pretty colors too.
4) dimentia: i got lost in my own house...the house i grew up in and have lived for 30 years i got lost in for about 20 minutes until my mom came to check on me and found me sitting in the corner.
topamax is some fucked up shit...ive been off it for like 3 days now & almost all that crap has gone away
Im still drolling a lil bit but it is signifcantly less
On a lighter side....
once i get my shit squared away im getting a new tattoo on my shoulder
That is an Ouroboros...aint it cool

well i saw a dif neurologist yesterday...this one thinks it might be a problem with my eye
i got for an MRA & an MRV next week and have an appt with a neuro-optho eye guy in july
I have no idea what the hell is going on
I had to stop taking the one med they put me one cuz of the freaky side effects i was having.
side effects like:
1) drooling like a bulldog..a supreme amount of saliva
2) an uncontrollable rage with like no control over my temper. "hey you cut me off in traffic, I'll MURDER YOU & FLAY YOUR BABIES!!!!!!!
3) trippy halucinations...the tile of my bathroom floor came alive & tried to eat me...they were all sorts of pretty colors too.
4) dimentia: i got lost in my own house...the house i grew up in and have lived for 30 years i got lost in for about 20 minutes until my mom came to check on me and found me sitting in the corner.
topamax is some fucked up shit...ive been off it for like 3 days now & almost all that crap has gone away
Im still drolling a lil bit but it is signifcantly less
On a lighter side....
once i get my shit squared away im getting a new tattoo on my shoulder
That is an Ouroboros...aint it cool

I would go with color!
lol no. it's lol.