[Insert Deity here] please grant me the strength to not break the 6th commandment... cuz i'm like |_| close to killin' dis bitch...
I am the Director of all things Technical for a private school and this teacher took it up on themselfves to go an royally fuck over the shit in her room; consisting of 20 MacBooks.
She got it stuck in her head...
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I am the Director of all things Technical for a private school and this teacher took it up on themselfves to go an royally fuck over the shit in her room; consisting of 20 MacBooks.
She got it stuck in her head...
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So while my friendzone woes were going on somebody "found me" on a dating site and reached out. Until the one issue was resolved i felt it wasnt right to be engaging in anything else. The old addage "it never rains but it pours" comes to mind.
I never considered myself to be the kind of person who "has em all lined up" but in...
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I never considered myself to be the kind of person who "has em all lined up" but in...
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In the end this didn't work out and it was probably for the best; she had enough baggage to fill the hull of the Titanic.
Thanks for the comment, hope things are looking up for you 

They are 

The Digital Story of the Nativity
UPDATE on Mama #3....
REMISSION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONE BBQBBQBBQBBQBBQBBQBBQ
REMISSION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONE BBQBBQBBQBBQBBQBBQBBQ
Thank you for the positive comment on my set "SPF 5000" in member review, it was sweet of you, I appreciate it! <333
***UPDATE on my Mother***
surgery removed all of the cancer
she is having a port installed tomorrow for chemo on Monday
the chemo is only a precaution
w/o the chemo she as a 65% chance of survival beyond 5 yrs
with the chemo she as an 85% chance of survival beyond 5 yrs
surgery removed all of the cancer
she is having a port installed tomorrow for chemo on Monday
the chemo is only a precaution
w/o the chemo she as a 65% chance of survival beyond 5 yrs
with the chemo she as an 85% chance of survival beyond 5 yrs
That's good news man, very good news
Good news, indeed... I wish her the best <3
I feel i need to post this somewhere and here's as good as any...
My mother has stage III colon cancer
Three months ago:
She has soriatic rheumatoid arthitis and been dealing with a nagging flu/cold that wouldn't go away, so Dr's did various tests; bloodwork & such.
Two months ago:
Find outs she's anameic with an unknown cause. They put her on an iron...
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My mother has stage III colon cancer
Three months ago:
She has soriatic rheumatoid arthitis and been dealing with a nagging flu/cold that wouldn't go away, so Dr's did various tests; bloodwork & such.
Two months ago:
Find outs she's anameic with an unknown cause. They put her on an iron...
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Beannachta na File Padraig oraibh!!!!!
Slinte mhaith!!!!!
Slinte mhaith!!!!!
Hot Damn!
Friday night was awesome. Saw MUSE at Madison Sqaure Gardens. The level of awesomeness and amazement defy description. Silversun Pickups opened for them, either they suck live or they had equipment issues, becuase the sound was attrocious. Their hit Lazy Eye was barely recognizable.
In between sets Matt Pinfield (Former MTV VJ) came out to say that if he had to get a...
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Friday night was awesome. Saw MUSE at Madison Sqaure Gardens. The level of awesomeness and amazement defy description. Silversun Pickups opened for them, either they suck live or they had equipment issues, becuase the sound was attrocious. Their hit Lazy Eye was barely recognizable.
In between sets Matt Pinfield (Former MTV VJ) came out to say that if he had to get a...
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eep! I'm going to see them tonight! So very excited!!!!
LOST THE FINAL SEASON... Starst tonight at 8PM EST with a 1hr recap show, followed by the 2hr premiere event...
The beginning of the end...has begun
The beginning of the end...has begun

It is already insane down here! I've never seen so many people in the quarter, as I did last night
The school board in its infinite wisdom decreed that we would move forward with our five year tech plan by doing the first three years of it in one summer...so yeah I've been hoppin'