im about to go in 2 my 27th scared,thinking to much n worried ive wasted to much time....on the + side ive met a girl(sam) my own age who i truely click with n i def mean that for the 1st time ever!we arnt a couple or anything were just hanging out but fuck i feel ALIVE!!!!we have spent the last week with each other with the bastard that is work getting in the way..... grrrr.we met years ago(about 6),i thought she was hawt then had a lil crush but nothing ever happend i was always in a relation ship and so was turns out she felt the exact same way but had noticed me b4 id even been introduced to her.Its been all kinds of weird n wonderfull!
im a very very VERY happy man right now

this girl has inspired me n im starting to do things i want to start up n wanted to get back in 2....ive picked my music and art back up...i start parkour(free runing/yamakazi) classes next week,somthing ive been in to for a lot of years but never acted on.....heres a taste of that...
also in too a whole differnt kinda music thats really hitting the spot...dubstep is awesome...
basicaly ive gone back to what i was 7 years ago n loving it!!!!
im a very very VERY happy man right now

this girl has inspired me n im starting to do things i want to start up n wanted to get back in 2....ive picked my music and art back up...i start parkour(free runing/yamakazi) classes next week,somthing ive been in to for a lot of years but never acted on.....heres a taste of that...
also in too a whole differnt kinda music thats really hitting the spot...dubstep is awesome...
basicaly ive gone back to what i was 7 years ago n loving it!!!!

So glad you are so happy maxi! ... Oh yeah, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
hope it's an awesome day! Will see you tomoz nite!

Yeah no doubt I'll see you guys just walking past haha So I'll come say hi
Happy Barfday, and glad you're doin well and back into all the stuff you are into...out of the rut
I had a job interview today!!!! I think it went really well. Fingers crossed.