if you ask me this has got to be 1 of the best love songs ever made n im not sure why its not in our playlist...
i realy wish they could put good music in the work place of all stores its always boring crap,dont get me wrong i know it has to be easy listening n all but fuck there are some great tracks out there that dont offend....we maybe have 4 or 5 of them n people always get realy excited when they here them in the store.it realy frustrates me hearing shit alllllllllllll day!!!!
the only good thing that comes from that music played over n over is Josh,he knows the words to every track that gets played n does lil song n dance rutines to most which brightens up eveery 1's day including the customers hahahahah
sadly josh is leaving us in a week n i cant sing or dance....at least in public
Danm its been 1 hard start to the year!Had to go thru my then girlfriends dad dying then eventual death.he was a man i really respected and wish i knew better n for longer but the hardest part was trying to be there for my girl it was devestating watching her n the family go thru it all n having to juggle work 8hrs away so we didnt starve or loose the house =/
we had soooooo many bills to catch up on when it was all over and no money.poor girl was going out of her mind n had nothing to realy distract her n her depression spread over to me n we started to drift apart n argue.it all came crashing down 2 months ago when she decided to leave,was a shock but somehow i had seen it coming.thank god i knew a friend with a spare room cause i didnt realy have long to get out of our place.he has been a complete tool since i moved in i feel like i live in nazi germany but its close to work n cheap so i feel a lil stuck i pretty much just stay out of his way...never wanted to sack punch some one so hard!!!!i thought me n the ex where going to get things on track possibly n just have a lil cool off.boy did i fuck all that up,she asked for me back n i said it was to soon n we should be friends for awhile...we are no longer friends at all n im not sure if we will be in the future.I want her back so bad n need to start getting over her but just cant n its been pretty shitty cause i know dmn well shes seeing someone n claims its not true....dmn woman im not stupid im depressed theres a huge diff!
on a lighter note...
the good things that have happend this year n out of all the bullshit is that beeing single n not have your best friend with you 7days a week ive rememberd that i do have other friends n ive been loving rejoing the gap n going for drinks with these people.The BEST thing thou is that i have got out of the evil clutches of a bad addiction....worldofwarcaft man that shit drains your soul!!!
bout to get back in to my skateboarding n have finaly picked up my bass n acoustic again which is uplifting and i dont think ive listend to this much music since i was in my teens lol.
all in all i think this year is going to get a whole lot better i just need some time to get over shit n some good times with good friends,also a promotion which ill begoing for as soon as scotts done teaching me to drive....max with a licence whod a thunkd it!!!then whou knows might endup a touring oz setting up stores with my company like i did with spotlight n forfill my goal of living in every capital city in the country
well that felt good to get off my chest n was much needed sorry to any1 that actualy went thru it all
peace all n thnx to the friends that have been there for me thru all my emo shit!!!
for her....
Are all breakups the same?
Hmm. The pragmatist in me and my inherent romantic nature are at odds!
World of Warcaft? I've seen what it has done to my roommate. She treats WOW like it's work and she treats her job like it's a game, if you know what I mean. I used to play it but I was a casual player so it didn't have much room for me.