woooooooHoooooo new house in a few days very very excited and very very scared!!!!
forgot how much moving costs
looking really forward to getting a nice place with miss crimsonpetals and starting the rest of our lives together.things are looking up and going the direction we want em to go in for a change
miss crimson will be an old fart in a week......22yrs old OMG
and less then a month l8er ill be passing the qtr century EEEEEEEEEEEEEK
i feel like every thing in my life is starting to slot in nicely,no more feeling comfortably uncomfortable if ya know what i mean?!?i know what i want n im getting it yeah theres ups n downs but all in all im coming out on top of my crazy life
the other night me n the grrrl where at her brothers n i was talking to him about his job(hacker of cows to make ppl happy)and he told me he could drag me onboard to be an aprentice n its had me thinking.....if not now maybe after our new lease is up we could go n move there to north lakes(something we both want to do bad)and i could train to be a butcher.....i like the sounds of that to "maxiebond the butcher">=D lol
any how i been thinking im turning 26 ive done shit all n i have a free pass at a proffesion i would like to do!!!!
i love her brothers n i have a lot in common with "the butcher"i didnt even realise till the other night so i have a lot to think about!
oh n i have a new found love for white hip hop
asher roth: i love college
poor mofo sounds like eminem but i swear his gonna be MASSIVE
dont lark on my go cart
great lil interview
i sound like eminem?!?
peace guys n gals <3 u all
forgot how much moving costs

looking really forward to getting a nice place with miss crimsonpetals and starting the rest of our lives together.things are looking up and going the direction we want em to go in for a change

miss crimson will be an old fart in a week......22yrs old OMG

and less then a month l8er ill be passing the qtr century EEEEEEEEEEEEEK

i feel like every thing in my life is starting to slot in nicely,no more feeling comfortably uncomfortable if ya know what i mean?!?i know what i want n im getting it yeah theres ups n downs but all in all im coming out on top of my crazy life

the other night me n the grrrl where at her brothers n i was talking to him about his job(hacker of cows to make ppl happy)and he told me he could drag me onboard to be an aprentice n its had me thinking.....if not now maybe after our new lease is up we could go n move there to north lakes(something we both want to do bad)and i could train to be a butcher.....i like the sounds of that to "maxiebond the butcher">=D lol
any how i been thinking im turning 26 ive done shit all n i have a free pass at a proffesion i would like to do!!!!
i love her brothers n i have a lot in common with "the butcher"i didnt even realise till the other night so i have a lot to think about!

oh n i have a new found love for white hip hop
asher roth: i love college
poor mofo sounds like eminem but i swear his gonna be MASSIVE
dont lark on my go cart
great lil interview
i sound like eminem?!?
peace guys n gals <3 u all