yeh im only meant to be on my P's for another year and a bit...but they put on my licence that im on my reds instead of greens so i gotsta ring up and abuse someone...if it doesnt get changed ill be on my fuckin P's for-fuckin-eva!
I think i walked home in the scorching sun with no sunnies and high heels in hand every weekend for the 12 months i lived on the goldy...was always wakin up somewhere morning an old man woke me up with a stick...i was passed out on the beach..ahhh....good times...
I think i walked home in the scorching sun with no sunnies and high heels in hand every weekend for the 12 months i lived on the goldy...was always wakin up somewhere morning an old man woke me up with a stick...i was passed out on the beach..ahhh....good times...
Poor Pete, tell him I'm sorry...
I gave your cue to Kea, she's got it at the shop so go down and grab it