the only good thing about a 10hr shift is getting home...the only good thing about home is my music so heres some tunes im gonna listen to to unwind and get a lil bit of spark back in to me cuz i feel fucked.....cant wait to sleep n get up n do it all again
Deftones:back to of my all time fave songs
Tub ring:faster
Every time i die:the new black
Peeping tom:we're not alone
Alien ant farm:ss recognise
At the drice in:Catacombs(live)
Sparta:cut your ribbon
The black market:guglietto

Deftones:back to of my all time fave songs
Tub ring:faster
Every time i die:the new black
Peeping tom:we're not alone
Alien ant farm:ss recognise
At the drice in:Catacombs(live)
Sparta:cut your ribbon
The black market:guglietto
i have a new char and its only a lvl 7 blood elf mage.
she needs to reach 70 someday lol