HOLY SHIT!!! what a night,not as many ppl showed up as i thought but we still had over 50 ppl there.i had a fucking great time...i polished off 1/2 a case of peroni the best fucking beer in the world then daran a 1ltr of JD shy of 4 drinks cuz i gave my fellow b'day boi jimmie some also took 2 pills and a pnt of ice.......its my fucking bday of course i was gonna get fucked up.any how it ended up a non hectic avent like i thought it would it was pretty mellow just a few close mates and a few randoms,the only thing that got on my nerves was the grrl im really in to came with a guy n to top it off his name was greg grrrr(yeah i hate you)!!! but what ever met another very sexy girl and had a blast.last night,as small as it was definatly set the bar for my b'day partys...it was fucking fantastic!!!!

glad you had a great night boy