40 is quickly approaching, like in 2 weeks!
Part of me feels like I subconsciously hurried to this day, by verbally dreading it.
but here goes, it's been an ongoing learning process, looking back, I enjoyed the lessons of 4 decades, and feel fortunate to have understood some things that others may not get around to so soon in their lifetimes.
* Don't loose sleep over what other people think of you, It really is out of your control anyway.
* Be who you want to be, not what others expect you to be.
* Don't be a Sheep, be a Herder.
* Always be honest to your self and others, lies are like boomerangs, they will always come back to you.
* Don't use life's shortcomings and tragedies as a crutch to be an asshole or unmotivated or better yet an excuse why you "cant".
* Don't be ashamed to like or love yourself. After all, it's what we all seek in life, So once you arrive there, don't be bashful.
* Remember that FEAR is only the lack of knowledge and the unknown and unforeseen.
* Don't be afraid to give yourself credit once and a while.
* Remember to pamper and put your self first on occasion.
* Relationships are a gamble, so if your not willing to take a chance, you got no business being in the game.
* Never trust someone who lacks compassion or is cruel to animals.
* You never know if you might be good at something until you try it.
* Get your Back burner ideas to the Front burner, make them happen.
* Be a person of action not words.
* You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves.
* Treat people the way you would like to be treated.
* just because you are related to someone, doesn't mean you have to like them or they are healthy for you.
* Lastly, KARMA, It exists.

Part of me feels like I subconsciously hurried to this day, by verbally dreading it.
but here goes, it's been an ongoing learning process, looking back, I enjoyed the lessons of 4 decades, and feel fortunate to have understood some things that others may not get around to so soon in their lifetimes.
* Don't loose sleep over what other people think of you, It really is out of your control anyway.
* Be who you want to be, not what others expect you to be.
* Don't be a Sheep, be a Herder.
* Always be honest to your self and others, lies are like boomerangs, they will always come back to you.
* Don't use life's shortcomings and tragedies as a crutch to be an asshole or unmotivated or better yet an excuse why you "cant".
* Don't be ashamed to like or love yourself. After all, it's what we all seek in life, So once you arrive there, don't be bashful.
* Remember that FEAR is only the lack of knowledge and the unknown and unforeseen.
* Don't be afraid to give yourself credit once and a while.
* Remember to pamper and put your self first on occasion.
* Relationships are a gamble, so if your not willing to take a chance, you got no business being in the game.
* Never trust someone who lacks compassion or is cruel to animals.
* You never know if you might be good at something until you try it.
* Get your Back burner ideas to the Front burner, make them happen.
* Be a person of action not words.
* You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves.
* Treat people the way you would like to be treated.
* just because you are related to someone, doesn't mean you have to like them or they are healthy for you.
* Lastly, KARMA, It exists.
SHIT!! I missed your birthday. Massive apologies and Happy Birthday. Everything you wrote could not be more true. Strange how the simplest lessons are always the most timeless and worth every moment.
oh god yes. you are so right. I totally love your list . thank you.