Top of the afternoon to ya.
So someone out there does not like me.
Long story short.. or short story long.
I have been attempting my hand at male fashion erotica.
Last week some male model from Italy contacts me through FB, Say's he's coming to my area, Fine, I set up a shoot. I only accept his Friendship because he is friends with another model i somewhat know, and supposed to work with her as well.
He barely speaks English, and some of the conversation could be taken out of context, he want's to make " Sexy shoots with a black model or tattooed girl, I offer to shoot him or shoot him and a model if he finds one.
I tell him this is Strictly Business, I don't like to leave room for assumptions.
The day before i am supposed to meet him, I bump into him outside of a museum, that i am researching for a Dr Sketchy's class that i am modeling in that Friday. I tell him to meet me at the museum at 6 the next day. I meet him, I shoot him outside in the public, the raciest images are him topless in a fountain. I give him a ride about 5 blocks to his place of lodging. and i drive home immediately.
I also have told him in our chat during the shoot that I have a boyfriend.
Come Friday Night, My Boyfriend gets an email on FB from some alias fake person who does not have a real profile on FB, that tells him that he is friends with the Italian model i just shot, and that he sh0old be alerted.
" Tanya Alert"
She is fucking my friend, and has had crazy kinky sex with him, and is on Italian porn sites, and he saw a pic of me sucking his friends dick and that we are meeting up again the following Monday.
and that i am all sorts of whores.
My BF asks for Pictures and links to said accusations.
the writer whom is blowing the whistle on me writes in perfect English and American slang.
The Model however writes like he can barely put English words together.
the Writer claims he doesn't want to get involved and claims the model's family is tied to the Mafia.
no other emails are written.
My boyfriend flips out on me. I understand his anger and frustration,
I let him read all my emails, and tell him that my digital camera has a time stamp on all the images,and i have a sealed tight alibi.
I even call the model on the speaker phone and tell him that whoever he told his where about's at and where he was staying, to that they are emailing my BF saying that we are consorting.
he of course is confused, or at least acts so.
after day's of talking to my family and friends about weather or not I am capable or trustworthy, he finally trust me.
Mind you i have been naked in front of a shit ton of photographers, and always remained faithful and professional. I'm not about to do something that would bring on bad karma, and i have no motive to try to have my cake and eat it too.
All of our friends think i should cut all ties, and not give him his images ( this was a trade shoot, not a paid shoot) I on the other hand am a little resistant, I worked my ass off for 2 hours in 90's to get those images.
and perhaps can sit on them for a few months, till this all subsides.
I'm not sure who is trying to disrupt my lifestyle but i don't intend to change a damn thing.
So someone out there does not like me.

Long story short.. or short story long.
I have been attempting my hand at male fashion erotica.
Last week some male model from Italy contacts me through FB, Say's he's coming to my area, Fine, I set up a shoot. I only accept his Friendship because he is friends with another model i somewhat know, and supposed to work with her as well.
He barely speaks English, and some of the conversation could be taken out of context, he want's to make " Sexy shoots with a black model or tattooed girl, I offer to shoot him or shoot him and a model if he finds one.
I tell him this is Strictly Business, I don't like to leave room for assumptions.
The day before i am supposed to meet him, I bump into him outside of a museum, that i am researching for a Dr Sketchy's class that i am modeling in that Friday. I tell him to meet me at the museum at 6 the next day. I meet him, I shoot him outside in the public, the raciest images are him topless in a fountain. I give him a ride about 5 blocks to his place of lodging. and i drive home immediately.
I also have told him in our chat during the shoot that I have a boyfriend.
Come Friday Night, My Boyfriend gets an email on FB from some alias fake person who does not have a real profile on FB, that tells him that he is friends with the Italian model i just shot, and that he sh0old be alerted.
" Tanya Alert"
She is fucking my friend, and has had crazy kinky sex with him, and is on Italian porn sites, and he saw a pic of me sucking his friends dick and that we are meeting up again the following Monday.
and that i am all sorts of whores.
My BF asks for Pictures and links to said accusations.
the writer whom is blowing the whistle on me writes in perfect English and American slang.
The Model however writes like he can barely put English words together.
the Writer claims he doesn't want to get involved and claims the model's family is tied to the Mafia.
no other emails are written.
My boyfriend flips out on me. I understand his anger and frustration,
I let him read all my emails, and tell him that my digital camera has a time stamp on all the images,and i have a sealed tight alibi.
I even call the model on the speaker phone and tell him that whoever he told his where about's at and where he was staying, to that they are emailing my BF saying that we are consorting.
he of course is confused, or at least acts so.
after day's of talking to my family and friends about weather or not I am capable or trustworthy, he finally trust me.
Mind you i have been naked in front of a shit ton of photographers, and always remained faithful and professional. I'm not about to do something that would bring on bad karma, and i have no motive to try to have my cake and eat it too.
All of our friends think i should cut all ties, and not give him his images ( this was a trade shoot, not a paid shoot) I on the other hand am a little resistant, I worked my ass off for 2 hours in 90's to get those images.
and perhaps can sit on them for a few months, till this all subsides.
I'm not sure who is trying to disrupt my lifestyle but i don't intend to change a damn thing.
It sounds like the model himself didn't have much to do with the assault... perhaps someone crushing on the model and insanely jealous trying to speak on his behalf, or so they think?